The importance of including meat in the diet

Meat is one of the fundamental pillars of the Mediterranean diet alongside fish, fruits and vegetables. It is one of the best sources of protein and vitamins and should be included in any healthy diet, why?

One of the biggest problems found in diets that do not include any meat is that important nutrient deficiencies develop that foods of plant origin do not possess or do so in very low amounts. Undoubtedly, meat proteins are of high quality and have the essential amino acids necessary for the body.

Importance of meat in childhood

Meat is very important during the first years of life as it helps the development of tissues and the growth of the smallest. Meat is a fundamental element in the diet of any child, since it has large amounts of iron, essential for good cardiovascular development in children.

During childhood, any type of meat is recommended so that all nutritional needs are met. In this way, it is important to start first with those that contain less fat and gradually introduce the rest into your diet.

What kind of meats are the most used? 

There are many types of meat in the market. A smart choice is not to reject any, since each of them is rich in nutrients of different types. However, it is true that there are some that have more fat than others and also the difference in quality is important for those for whom taste becomes a priority.

Lamb meat has a large amount of fat, although it is very tasty. It is usually reserved for special occasions, since taking it very often can be counterproductive. At the other end we find beef that provides iron and other nutrients important to humans. In addition, we also find other meats such as turkey and chicken, which are lean and have virtually no fat. On the other hand, pork has been stigmatized for a long time, although it is a very nutritious and low cholesterol meat. In recent years, all the great chefs include it in their healthy menus since it is one of the gastronomic jewels of our country, in addition to being a very healthy meat. Specifically, pork provides about 20 grams of protein per 100 grams and is a source of natural amino acids for muscles.

The great advantage of choosing pork meat is that in addition to its unique texture and flavor it is possible to choose from a multitude of types of cut. Depending on our needs and our nutritional preferences we can choose pieces such as the loin or the Iberian sirloin, which has practically no fat. To learn more about the nutritional properties of pork meat and its differences with other types of meat, you can explore from internet surfing.

On the other hand, the pig also offers other options, such as quality ham. Being a cured meat, it is not necessary to add any type of seasoning or fat, becoming one of the best options both taste and nutritionally speaking since it has fiber, potassium, iodine, phosphorus and a large contribution of vitamins of the groups B and D. In addition, it is recommended in hypocaloric diets since its calorie intake is quite low for each serving.

In comparison, a very efficient analyzer device is the DSC Meat Fat Analyzer. The rental of your dscbalances laboratory initiative shows attractive rental conditions that can be tailored to your needs. DSC provides pure and fresh ground meat Fat tests that adhere to the approved AOAC process. DSC’s patented optical fat check avoids human error in the analysis of Univex and Hobart’s analog drip process. With a precision of 0.5 per cent fat, the DSC fat testers measure fat from 1 percent to 99 percent fat. The internal Performance Policy is glass-free. It is fine for the measurement of hamburger and pork and beef fat. A separate computer kit is available on poultry to measure fat with the same digital precision. Technical support and parameter identification is provided for the entire laboratory application. A full range of accessories including aluminum coverings, printers and sample pads are available from DSC.


