Shutter Island and Friendspire

Shutter Island and Friendspire

  Since Shutter Island was released in 2010, it hasn’t been a film that is easily forgotten about or overlooked. Brilliantly directed by Martin Scorsese, the movie takes place on a remote island and is based on the Shutter Island book written in 2003. Scorsese’s casting choice isn’t one that can be overlooked. Starring Leonardo…

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Why children should learn karate

There have been several stories about how individuals have improved their views of living with the many advantages of learning karate. That being said, there is still one common misunderstanding: that karate is for adolescents primarily. Contrary to how most people believe, karate can help children as much of it as, or perhaps even much more than,…

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It’s Not a Fib: 5 Ways to Prevent an AFib Episode

AFib (or AF) is short for atrial fibrillation and is an episode of irregular heartbeat or arrhythmia. Diagnosing AFib isn’t always easy because some people don’t have symptoms. Many people do have symptoms that come on quickly. The results can be dire. Are you wondering about AFib prevention? Keep reading for five ways to prevent…

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