Blue Light

Blue Light Connotation & Its Remedial Approach

The excessive contrivance of the intense light is verily out of the ordinary potential hazard for the eyesight. The potency of this hazard is chronically ameliorated with vision can have the impression of furtherance. To break off the impression of vision loss and other innumerable eyesight dilemmas, cardinal measures to be taken. The cardinality of…

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What Happens If Cataract Surgery Is Delayed?

According to several studies, cataract is one of the main causes of blindness in people over 40 years of age in India. The researchers also suggest that proper and timely eye care can prevent such a phenomenon. Unfortunately, eye drops and other non-surgical options can improve the vision. The only way to remove cataracts is…

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Difference between Hair-Shedding and Hair-Loss

Most women have experienced the stress of hair loss, which manifests itself either as shed hair everywhere around the house or even as hair thinning. While we use the terms hair loss and hair shedding interchangeably, there are some significant differences between them.  Hair shedding is a natural phenomenon that everyone with hair goes through,…

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