The hair loss affects both men and women, although on average it is a problem that affects mostly males, in recent years research has revealed how this issue is affecting increasingly also the female gender. Generally with hair loss we refer to a type of fall that takes the name of androgenetic alopecia, but there can also be other causes that lead to this phenomenon, thus configuring different types of hair loss. Seasonal hair loss Over the course of the year, and especially during the spring months (April-May) and autumn ( September to November ), an increase in hair loss and fall can be noted. Both men and women are affected indiscriminately.In general, the human hair regrowth cycle lasts from two to six years, repeating itself up to about twenty times throughout life. This means that each hair goes through this cycle for about twenty times before dying from atrophy of the hair follicle. Spring and autumn significantly accelerate the life cycle, influencing its regeneration due to the change in temperatures. Stress hair loss Although there is no experimental evidence of a relationship between stress and hair loss, statistically many subjects show many times that a correlation exists. L ‘ psychogenic alopecia is a psychosomatic disorder caused dall’affaticamento and nervous tension. It differs from other types of alopecia such as trichotillomania alopecia which turns out to be a behavior disorder (therefore a problem that has psychological rather than psychosomatic causes). Remedies for Hair fall One of the most effective remedies to combat hair falling out due to stress is to promptly intervene on the causes and eliminate the sources of tension and fatigue. However, there is the possibility that a particularly anxious subject may have many difficulties in reaching a peaceful state of mind so extending the time for solving the problem is a good solution. Using Kirkland Minoxidil for Treatment There are other remedies against stress hair loss, for example to improve hair quality and strengthen the scalp, you can rely on hair loss treatments in order to limit the fall and stimulate the growth of new healthy hair. The famous Kirkland minoxidil is also considered best for both types of hair loss. You can use minoxidil until you achieve your desired results. How to use Kirkland Minoxidil? Following are the steps mentioned in detail…