What Are the Common Causes of an Iron Deficiency?

Ali Raza
5 Min Read
What Are the Common Causes of an Iron Deficiency?

Are you struggling with symptoms of anemia? Or perhaps your physician recently informed you that you have an iron deficiency. Either way, you’re likely wondering what causes a lack of iron.

Today we’ll explore the most common causes of iron deficiencies. We’ll also discuss how to fight back against this nutrient deficiency, helping you avoid the headaches and fatigue that often accompany this condition.

If you’re ready to embrace a healthier body and lifestyle, be sure to read on!  

What Causes an Iron Deficiency?

If you’re wondering what’s causing your iron deficiency, you may be surprised to learn that it’s probably one of two things. After all, the most common causes of iron deficiencies are:

  1. Dietary Habits
  2. Blood Loss

If you enjoy a vegan or vegetarian diet, you may be consuming less iron than those that consume meat and animal-based ingredients. In addition, individuals that primarily live off of fast food or snacks can also lack iron.

Human blood also contains a significant amount of iron. So if you’ve lost blood through an injury or menstruation, you may become iron deficient. This can lead to bruises, a lack of energy, and recurrent headaches. 

In fact, an iron deficiency can become a debilitating situation if not’s remedied right away. That’s because iron is crucial to our overall health.

The Importance of Iron

Without iron, your body would be unable to produce blood. That’s because blood is primarily made of water, protein, and iron. And when your body fails to produce new blood, your entire body can suffer.

Our bodies consist of several systems that help keep us alive. The digestive and nervous systems are essential, but so is the circulatory system. Our veins and arteries also transport throughout the body.

These pathways also work closely with our immune systems to fight off infections. If your body isn’t producing enough blood, you might struggle to digest food, fight off illnesses, or maintain a healthy heart rate.

How to Get More Iron

Getting more iron into your body is often as simple as changing your diet and adding a helpful supplement. In fact, two of the best ways to increase your iron intake are:

  • Eating Iron-Rich Foods
  • Taking an Iron Supplement

The best option for you depends on your preferences. For example, those following strict meat-free diets might not be able to make many dietary changes. But they could add an iron supplement to their daily routine!

Eat Iron-Rich Foods

Adding iron-rich foods to your diet is one of the best ways to increase your body’s iron levels. However, many of the most iron-rich foods are meat-based.

As such, vegan and vegetarian individuals will need to choose an alternative source of iron. Fortunately, many plants also contain a significant amount of iron. Some of the best iron-rich vegetables include:

  • Spinach
  • Peas
  • Broccoli
  • Collard Greens

Essentially, most leafy green vegetables are rich in iron. Munching on these healthy ingredients is a great way to up your daily iron intake. Adding a little vitamin C to your diet might also be an excellent idea.

That’s because vitamin C could help your body process and use the iron you consume. So instead of feeling constipated and nauseous after consuming iron, you could feel right as rain!

Take an Iron Supplement

If you don’t care for leafy green vegetables or you can’t afford fresh groceries each week, you may want to consider taking an iron supplement. After all, iron supplements are tasteless, fast, and effective solutions.

Iron Tablets By Vitabiotics is a particularly excellent option, as it contains easily digestible iron. Taking these supplements each day can help you see a noticeable increase in energy levels and reduce symptoms of anemia.

Getting More Iron Is Easy

You don’t need to eat meat or exercise every day to increase your iron intake. In fact, one of the best ways to handle an iron deficiency is to purchase a high-quality iron supplement.

Of course, pairing this supplement with vitamin C or a glass of orange juice might be the best possible decision. That’s because vitamin C can help your body process and utilize iron, making your supplement far more effective.

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