Why You Need a Tablet, Whatever Your Age

Alton Clarke
4 Min Read

Tablets are popular with people of all ages due to the ease of use, their portability and their versatility. Great for work, play, and communicating, tablets are a popular alternative to a laptop or desktop computer and their size makes them easier to hold and see compared to a mobile phone.

Whatever your age, a tablet is a great investment.

Under 5s

Like it or not, technology is a huge part of modern life. If you have a pre-school child, their ability to use computers, tablets, and other devices is being assessed at nursery as part of the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum. Whether your child uses a tablet for watching Peppa Pig or playing educational games, you can’t afford for them to fall behind their peers. Supervised access is recommended for this age group.

School-age Children

From reception class upwards, children use technology in school daily. Tablets are fantastic for this age group due to their durability (especially if you invest in a good quality case just in case accidents do happen). Perfect for researching the answers to the questions children always have and with games to keep them entertained, a tablet is a great investment for your school-age child. Just make sure to check the parental settings so your child stays safe online.

College and University Students

Perfect for study, Netflix and Zoom, a tablet is a must for anyone at college or university. They are also great for the music-lover in your life looking to download fresh tunes to their library. The portability of a tablet is an asset, making them great for notetaking and writing essays while on the move. Lenovo college tablets offer value for money and reliability, exactly what all students need. These tablets offer everything a student requires to stay on top of their workload and enjoy a well-deserved chill session after.


Being a parent is hard and it can be easy to drop the ball when juggling home, family and work. A tablet is a handy way to manage your time if you use it as a digital planner. Don’t forget to sync your calendar! Perfect for accessing emails throughout the day, making bill payments via online banking, and relaxing in an evening with some retail therapy, a tablet will benefit all areas of your life.


The ‘silver surfers’ are no longer technophobes with those just starting their retirement having plenty of experience of using technology within the workforce. Tablets are a great way for retirees to keep in contact with family with video calling through apps such as Skype and Zoom enabling relatives to connect regardless of the distance between them. For those with failing eyesight, the ability to increase font size and scroll in on text means they can enjoy reading their favourite books on a tablet even if they struggle with text in traditional paperbacks.

A tablet enriches life in many ways. Once you have one you will never look back!

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Alton Clarke was born and raised in Syracuse. He has written for MSNBC, The Business Insider and Passport Magazine. In regards to academics, Alton earned a degree from St. John’s University. Alton covers entertainment and culture stories here at Diving daily.