Why non-registered rent agreement prepared for 11 months

non-registered rent agreement

At any juncture, everyone has experienced living in a rented house may be during the job or pursuing education or maybe you are on the other side of the lane and rented a house. In either case, you may have signed a rent agreement. So, have you ever imagine why these rent agreements are for less than 12 months only? Most of the tenant, landlord, or real estate agent making offline or online rent agreement in Bangalore, Delhi, or any other city might not have any idea regarding this.

Requirement of a rent agreement

A typical rent agreement consists of clauses like the description of the rent amount, property details, security deposit, objective of using space, and so on.

This rent agreement acts as a piece of evidence during any dispute between the tenant and the landlord.

Why is the rent agreement valid for 11 months only?

One of the sizable or countable reasons behind this must be the cost and convenience. This means if the agreement increases by one month this makes it 12 months, applies a number of laws and makes the process sophisticated for both parties.

As per the laws, registration of the rent agreement is required if the rental period is of 12 months or more. So, to skip the lengthy procedure and cut the cost of stamp duty, registration fee, etc draft an agreement of 11 months.

Is a rent agreement of 11 months valid by laws?

Yes, 11 months rental agreement is admissible evidence in the court and is credible in the eyes of law.

Leaving the place before the stated terms of 11 months

It entirely depends upon the mutual decision between both parties. Or maybe you have incorporated the “break clause” in the agreement. Here are some of the possibilities:

  • Follow the terminology written in the agreement: simply follow what is written in the termination clause, it legally obligates both parties to do what is written in the rent agreement. It could be a 2 months notice period, 1-month extra rent, etc.
  • Mutual consent: this is the best case when both landlord and the tenant are on the same table of evacuation.
  • Owner decision: it also depends upon the landlord. Apart from the rental agreement clause, the owner may also decide want needs to be done in this scenario. In many cases, the landlord agrees without any hassle if the reason is genuine or the tenant might have to pay the rent for the rest of the locking period remaining in the agreement.
  • Evacuating immediately: as per the tenant, let just say you could not wait for the agreement term to get finished. In that case, the tenant could immediately move out after paying the rent for the notice period. It also depends on the immediate clause mentioned in the agreement. The landlord may ask for the remaining months rent. Again, it all depends upon the relation between the landlord and the tenant.

So, it is unquestioned why to have the 11-month rental agreement of wanted to have a property for less than a year or quarter. In case of the landlord if you wanted to post free property ads online there are numerous legal website who only works as per the laws.