Why an AA 1 Year Chip Is Important: A Closer Look

Ali Raza
4 Min Read
Why an AA 1 Year Chip Is Important: A Closer Look

Do you know a person approaching one year of sobriety? If you do, show your support and celebrate their achievement.

Less than 20% of alcoholics actually seek treatment. Among these people, many will sadly relapse before they reach 12 months without drinking.

This means that potentially over 80% of the people with drinking problems may never see a year sober! Putting it into perspective makes this milestone seem like a superpower. 

Read on to discover the importance of a AA 1-year chip and learn how to present it.

The Journey

The road to sobriety does not run smooth. It contains a number of twists, turns, and obstacles. 

Simply admitting to a drinking problem takes an insane amount of courage. This person probably experienced shame, frustration, and pain before they understood the magnitude of taking this step.

Alcohol withdrawal begins within hours of abstaining from drinking and lasts several weeks or more. It is the only drug withdrawal that can actually kill you, meaning this person risked their very life to live a better one.

Standing up at a first meeting puts you in the spotlight for something you do not feel proud of. This takes guts.

Continuing to attend meetings requires a high level of dedication. It means getting dressed when your body hurts and facing people when you want to hide.

Choosing sobriety can mean losing ‘friends’, and this hurts. It may also mean skipping events you so badly want to attend and refusing a drink placed in your hands by somebody who didn’t know your struggle.

A one-year chip from the Token Shop symbolizes every step of this journey. It carries more weight than most can imagine.


This human deserves recognition for their accomplishments. One year sober carries more than a person can count.

Every minute sober holds an achievement. Give your sober friend the opportunity to feel proud of themselves in front of the entire room.


Marking milestones motivates people. Research shows that milestones serve as an excellent tool for reinforcement. The Alcoholics Anonymous token reinforces their positive behavior and makes them want to continue it.

Giving a chip to mark this accomplishment improves their self-efficacy and helps them believe that they can do more. It also offers tangible proof of their hard work.


People do better with support. When they feel seen, safe, and cared for, they will try harder to uphold the standard that others set for them. 

Handing them a chip and acknowledging their hard work in front of their peers will allow them to see that people care. Hearing others clap reinforces the fact that people want us to succeed.

Tips for Presenting an AA Coin

When you purchase this AA coin, make an effort to pack the room. Reach out to others who attend meetings often and will want to support this friend. 

Discuss the importance of this milestone and provide a short personal anecdote that delivers a message. Then, talk up your friend and their amazing efforts. 

Make it heartfelt and exciting. Introduce them with zest and encourage a rowdy room of cheers before you give them the spotlight.

An AA 1 Year Chip Means Everything

This may seem like a small token. But, remember, an AA 1 chip means everything to your friend. It represents success in building a sober life full of opportunity.

Looking to celebrate this milestone with your friend in a big way? Check out amazing travel destinations on our website!

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