Where to Go to Fix Your Car After an Accident

Ali Raza
4 Min Read
Where to Go to Fix Your Car After an Accident

Even if you’re the safest driver in the world, car accidents can still happen. There are about 6 million car accidents every year in the United States.

If you’ve been in an accident recently, it can be traumatic and confusing. If your vehicle is damaged, there are several important steps you should take to repair it.

To help you through this process, this is everything you need to know about repairing your car after a car accident.

Photograph the Scene and All the Damage

After checking on the safety of yourself and others, you should document the damage to your vehicle. Take as many pictures as you can to show proof of the damage.

If you can, use multiple angles. These photos serve as evidence in your insurance claim and the car accident report. It will also be useful if the case ever goes to court.

You should also exchange insurance information with the other drivers involved.

If you’re injured in the accident, find a local clinic to get your injuries examined as soon as possible.

Contact Your Insurance Company

After you’ve left the scene of the accident safely, you should contact your insurance company. If you think you need a car accident lawyer, you should speak to them before calling your insurance.

A lawyer can advise you on what you should or shouldn’t say.

Your insurance company will ask you to file an insurance claim that includes all damages and injuries involved in the accident.

Research an Auto Body Shop

Depending on your insurance company, you may receive a list of possible mechanics for your car. However, choosing the mechanic is mostly up to you. If you choose a mechanic that your insurance company recommends, you may save money.

When making your decision, make sure the mechanic is ASE certified and affiliated with AAA. Ask about warranties, compare price estimates, and always read reviews.

It can also help to ask friends and family if they have a mechanic they recommend.

Confirm the Repairs With the Insurance Company

Before dropping your car off, be sure you have the cost and reimbursements documented from your insurance company. It helps to have an itemized list of repairs and costs, so the insurance company knows exactly what’s happening.

Some insurance companies will pay the auto shop directly, while others will reimburse you for the repairs.

Once you’ve done this, you’re ready to get your car repaired!

Now You Know How to Repair Your Car After a Car Accident

These are all the steps you should take following a car accident.

Photographing and documenting the damage is critical for the insurance company to cover your car repairs. Insurance companies don’t want to pay for your damages, so you must be proactive and document as much as you can.

And remember, don’t choose the first mechanic you find. Read online reviews and ask around to find an auto shop and mechanic you can trust.

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