What Is a Mix Tape?

Ali Raza
4 Min Read
What Is a Mix Tape?

When you think about mix tapes, does your mind take you back to the ’80s? If so, there’s a good reason for that! The mix tape emerged in the 1980s on cassette tapes. 

Today, however, mix tapes can come in a few different forms, including digital or CD. Modern technology has changed what a mix tape looks like.  

While some folks are trying to create a National Mix Tape Day, you may not be as passionate about them yet. In fact, you may be wondering if the mix tape still even holds relevance in today’s culture. 

Are you curious to find out more? Check out this article to learn what benefits the mix tape holds still today! 

Why Should I Make a Mix Tape? 

If you are an aspiring musician, it’s a good idea to have a mix tape ready. This is what you’ll use to showcase your music.

A key to finding success in the music industry is getting your music heard by as many people as possible, so your mix tape is important to sell yourself. 

You might use a mix tape to build buzz around an upcoming album release. Or, you can have mix tapes on hand whenever you are networking to give to prospective listeners. Some of the hottest artists in the music industry started out by producing and distributing mix tapes. 

Mix tapes are fun to make because they’re low pressure. You get a chance to showcase your skills and passion without needing to produce a whole album. They’re a chance to try unconventional approaches and allow fans to get to know you in a personal way. 

What Storage Medium Should I Use?

As mentioned above, recorded songs find their way onto mix tapes either on cassette, CD, or digital. There are pros and cons to each type, so let’s explore those more next. 


It’s true that cassettes aren’t as popular as they used to be. However, they provide a sound quality that’s hard to replicate in other settings. If your sound aesthetic calls for a unique texture, cassettes may be for you. 

You’ll need to stockpile blank cassette tapes before you start making your mix tapes. Also, make sure you have a compatible cassette deck so you can fine-tune your masterpiece. 


The compact disc, or CD, is an accessible format to distribute music. Most people have access to a CD player. And, by handing someone a CD, you give them a tangible reminder to listen to your music. 


Making a digital mixtape provides nearly endless sharing possibilities. You aren’t constrained to in-person sharing as you can easily send your tape over the internet. However, with so much music available online, your mix could get lost in the shuffle. 

Go and Make a Mix Tape

Now that you know more about what a mix tape is, go and make one! The next time you’re networking and meet a new contact, you’ll be ready to share your awesome music. 

Check out other posts on our blog to learn more helpful tips, interesting information, and sweet life hacks. 

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