What Are the Different Types of Vaginal Surgery?

Ali Raza
4 Min Read
What Are the Different Types of Vaginal Surgery?

The global vaginal rejuvenation market is predicted to develop at a CAGR of 13.1% by 2030, reaching USD 1.5 billion in 2021.

Many women face vaginal problems during childbirth, and vaginal prolapse is one of the most serious. It occurs when support structures inside the vagina weaken, causing the vagina to move into the pelvic region.  In this case, vaginal surgery repairs the parts of your vaginal walls and supports the organs around them.

Surgery should be the last resort for any medical issue, specifically for sensitive vaginal health. A healthy mind and body can bring women health benefits that save them from making surgical decisions.

Here are the different types of vaginal surgery. Know them to avoid unnecessary and risky procedures.


There are vaginal surgery types of vaginoplasty, each with its purpose. Have a look at the most common type of plastic vaginoplasty, which improve the appearance of the vulva. It is for cosmetic reasons or to correct a birth defect.

Another type of vaginoplasty is reconstructive vaginoplasty, which repairs damage to the vaginal canal, such as from an injury, birth defect, or cancer. This surgery can correct a condition called vaginal agenesis, which is when the vagina does not develop properly. Always follow the vaginal surgery tips to make sure that the wound will heal properly.


A labiaplasty is a surgical procedure to reduce the size or shape of the labia minora, the small, inner lips of the vagina. It can correct asymmetry between the left and right sides. 

The other types of labiaplasty include a wedge resection, in which a V-shaped wedge of tissue is removed, and reepithelialization, in which the innermost layer of the labia is removed. The type of procedure will be determined based on your anatomy and the goals you hope to achieve.


It is a minor surgical procedure to repair or reconstruct the hymen, the tissue that partially covers the opening of the vagina. Some women have their hymens surgically repaired or reconstructed to treat certain medical conditions, such as an imperforate hymen or endometriosis.

Others undergo the procedure to restore the hymen before marriage or before reintroducing themselves to their sexual partner after a significant period.

G-Spot Amplification Vaginal Surgery

The G-spot is an area of the vagina that is more sensitive than other areas. This sensitive area can be responsible for some women’s ability to have vaginal orgasms. The surgery is typically done by making a small incision in the vagina and then inserting a biomaterial to bulk up the area around the G-spot.

Choose Wisely

There are several types of vaginal surgery, each designed to correct a specific problem. Some of these are vaginoplasty, labiaplasty, hymenoplasty, and G-Spot Amplification. If you are considering vaginal surgery, be sure to discuss your options with your doctor to ensure that you are getting the procedure that is right for you.

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