Website Session Recordings- What are They and How They Are Helpful?

8 Min Read

Website session recordings are the recordings or real actions that visitors perform on a website. When visitors perform actions while browsing, the recording session records everything they do on a website. The website session recording on UserOnsite saves everything!

When a visitor scrolls, taps, clicks, types, and views multiple pages of your website on either desktop or a mobile device, everything gets recorded with our service. Website session recordings can help businesses and affiliate websites track and view their traffic. This helps them transform their website to increase visits and grow viewership. More views mean more business.

With our website session tool, you will get the ability to trace and recognize your website traffic coming in from. It helps a great deal in planning your future posts and how to market your products and services to the communities visiting your website. It is the best kind of feedback, as it also helps detect mistakes and flaws in a website. Through a website, you want to sell yourself, with UserOnsite you can sell yourself properly by clearly knowing your audience.

Session Analytics

The user on Site is not a boring session tool with few buttons and an empty interface. The interface is intuitive and you will learn to use it correctly for studying your audience in no time.

You will be able to see a report on what people are doing on your website on the analytics page.

The analytics will save your time and provide the data you need to make better decisions and improvements on the website. The analytics are good looking and easy to understand. You don’t have to be a website geek to understand it, some basic knowledge of the platform is all you need.

The analytics are powerful and well calculated. With the UserOnsite, you should be expecting to find the best analytical tools and guaranteed results. If you want to dive deep into understanding your customer or audience, the analytics are your best shot! You will be able to find so much about your audience, you didn’t even think about!

Understand your Users

The best and the most important feature of this website session tool is recording what a visitor does. It lets you walk in your audience’s shoes by seeing what they do when they land on your website. What pages or parts of your website, do they view often and for how long? If you own a women’s shoe website and the longest time women spend a while on the website is scrolling down the heels section than it is clear that there is room for expansion of the heels collection you offer.

The audience may look at things differently than you do, it can be the style, quality, or something else about one of your products or service that makes it attractive to them. Your job is to recognize what they are looking for and see the potential in that particular part of your business. Although it shows the analysis of the whole website, it can make things very clear for you when deciding the budget for the website, which areas to improve, and where to spend more money.

You can also view, people’s devices they use to look at your website and communities they are from. It gives you a deeper insight into where the visitors are from and what is their buying power? Identifying their ethnicities, cultures, and values can help you change according to them, to grow your business by efficiently targeting the right audience.

Realtime visitor analytics

If you believe in creating a future from what is happening now, you need a Realtime visitor analysis. The real-time visitor analysis allows you to see, which devices are popularly visiting your website, how many online users you have at the moment, and which website pages are being accessed at a point of time.

Viewing data from these analyses at different timings will let you know the best time, people visit your website who have greater chances of buying from the website by placing order. You can design and schedule your posts accordingly.

In this era of online marketing, you need to be smart and have a smart session recording tool as your sidekick!

Privacy Concerns

Privacy is the number one priority. We realize your concerns for privacy when it comes to the safety of information regarding your website’s viewership. We value your privacy and do our best to keep it as safe as possible. You own your data and you have the right to do whatever you want with it including deleting it.

Record & Replay Visitors Sessions

A website session tool is at the end of the day all about seeing what your audience is doing. With each session recording provided to you. You can access and play the recording to see, what they see and do as a result on the website. You want to understand your audience at the deeper level by building a connection, we are here to only make that easier.

Heatmaps Tracking

There are certain parts of a website that are viewed by the visitors frequently and heavily. You will not be able to know which part of the website is the most viewed by your audience unless you sign up.

With heatmaps tracking, we let you track the most heated parts of the website which receive traffic now and then. These parts of the website are what should be your focus for better and efficient business. You may spend all your effort and finance on designing excellent online services and a cool website but at the end of the day it’s not about you, it’s about them.

The visitors are important because tracking them and seeing what they are looking for can help you make their experience of website browsing better. They may start loving your website when it shows them more about themselves. If you start showing them what they want more and more, they will keep coming back for more!

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