Waking Up Tired? 7 Ways to Get Better Sleep Tonight

Ali Raza
9 Min Read
Waking Up Tired? 7 Ways to Get Better Sleep Tonight

Did you know that 37.9% of people report having fallen asleep during work? People don’t realize how important sleep is to a healthy body and mind.

Do you find yourself waking up tired after 8 hours of sleep? If so, this may be a sign that you’re not sleeping correctly. But what can you do to improve your quality of sleep?

To learn more, then keep reading for 7 great ways to improve your sleep quality. 

1. Use Your Morning Chores Wisely

Waking up tired and no energy will cause us to drag ourselves through the morning chores. Are there certain chores you can do the night before? 

Set up your clothes for the day before you go to bed. Doing so will give you one less thing to worry about in the morning. 

Do you make your lunches each morning? Make them the night before. Pop them in the refrigerator ready for the morning.

Minimalize your morning chores. Try and have your exercise and hygiene as your only morning chores to do.

2. Create a To-Do List

Creating to-do lists is excellent for so many different situations. If you find yourself rushing around before and after work each day, use to-do lists to help. 

Write up exactly what needs doing the night before. Try adding when they need doing by as well. Doing this will stop you from panicking. 

Include the use crystals to help sleep in your to-do list. It’s a good idea to place a healing crystal under your pillow or near the bed. Some examples of crystal types include selenite, fluorite, moonstone, amethyst, and rose quartz. This way, you can condition your mind and body for rest and relaxation.

Maintaining a panicless mind frame will keep you calm. Staying calm will help your sleeping pattern. 

3. Complete the Big Exercises in the Morning

Exercise is a perfect method for improving your mind, body, and sleep. But, there are some exercises which will strain you more than others.

You can walk in the park with your dog early in the morning. Doing household chores can be a good form of exercise because they include lifting things, bending, and repetitive hand movements when wiping surfaces.

Are you one of those who use these exercise methods? If so, do them in the morning. Do this routine at night will raise your body temperature and heart rate.

This outcome will damage your ability to achieve a night of healthy sleep. 

Save yourself from waking up tired every day by using such exercises as yoga before bed. Yoga is a great way to loosen your body and mind. Perfect situation to go to bed with. 

4. Stop Drinking Caffeine 

We all know caffeine is a brain fuel for the early morning starts. Some of us will struggle to start our days without it. 

However, having caffeine too late in the day can hinder our sleep pattern. Set a time of day to stop your caffeine intake. 

Caffeine can still affect you up to six hours after the intake. Set your time for at least six hours before you plan to go to bed.

Soda, energy drinks, and coffee have high caffeine content. So, you might want to avoid taking too much of these beverages because they won’t be good for your health.

5. Change Your Bedding

Everybody loves the smell of fresh bedsheets. But did you know that changing your bedding regularly benefits you with more than just the smell?

Fluffed-up pillows and clean sheets can give a more inviting sensation. This feeling will help you have a better sleep. 

If you’re shopping for new pillows, you might want to pick buckwheat pillows which are made of organic materials. This type of pillow originated in Japan and is made from empty “sobakawa” seeds. Buckwheat pillows provide excellent support for back and side sleepers. It’s also body-contouring but does not let you entirely sink in it, providing a strong reinforcement for your head and neck.

Also, think about looking into seasonal sheets. If you become hot or cold during the night, you could find yourself waking up dizzy and tired. 

6. Positive Mental Attitude

Positive Mental Attitude is a psychological mind frame of optimism and positivity. It is said that having a positive view of life will bring positive outcomes.

It’s a method of finding joy and happiness in almost every aspect of your life. You may find that your anxiety and stress levels are kept to a minimum through this mind frame.

Condition your mind by wearing healing crystals, hanging a wind chime or a dream catcher, or any object that you can associate with relaxation and mental health. These things serve as a reminder for you to keep calm, avoid panic, and take things one at a time, improving your mental attitude in the long run. It also helps avoid brain fog.

Feeling relaxed throughout the day will allow you a higher level of peace at night. This should ensure a healthy night’s sleep.

Relax Your Body and Mind

Before you go to sleep, turn off the TV early. Try reading a book to relax your mind before going to sleep. Maybe play some relaxing music to fall asleep to. 

By relaxing your body and mind, you may find yourself falling into a night of deep sleep far more regularly. If you watch TV too late in the night, you could be waking your mind up rather than helping it to sleep.

Try buying some safe gummy sleeping pills to take before sleep. Free from artificial flavoring and sweeteners, these may be the answer to waking up tired every day.

Change Your Hobbies

Having hobbies is a great way to keep yourself happy and cheerful. But are these hobbies too late at night for your brain?

Like caffeine, having a late-night hobby that uses a lot of concentration could be harmful. When you are going to bed, your brain will produce melatonin to help you sleep.

If you overuse your brain too late at night, you will be stopping your brain from creating melatonin. This will drastically hinder your ability to fall into a deep sleep.

7. Journaling Can Help You When Waking up Tired

Journalling has become an up-and-coming aid for those who suffer from mental health. But, journals can help with so many more things.

Use a journal to write down everything that has happened each day. Or, you can even write something that’s been playing on your mind. This technique is a great way to relieve those feelings of stress and anxiety.

Create the habit of writing in your journal each night before bed. This will ease your mind and aid you with the quality of your sleep. 

Sleep Well

Now you know a few more ways to stop yourself from waking up tired. Which techniques will you use? 

Will you get your chores done first thing in the morning? Will you do the strenuous exercise in the mornings? 

Will you use a journal to help you sleep? Will you invest in some safe gummy sleeping pills to send you off each night?

Make sure to check out the rest of our blog, so you can keep up to date with our latest articles.

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