Unhealthy Coping Mechanism That Are Ruining Your Mental Health

Ali Raza
4 Min Read
Unhealthy Coping Mechanism That Are Ruining Your Mental Health

The last few months have tested your nerves like no other time in your life! It seems like you drink a whole bottle of wine in one night more often than you’d like to admit.

Drinking and smoking are some of the most common ways for adults to relieve stress. The CDC reports that about 34.1 million Americans smoked cigarettes in 2019.

Aside from that, there are many other ways people cope with difficult emotions that don’t always help. But, how do you know what signs to look for? Keep reading to learn about some common unhealthy coping mechanisms to avoid

Self-Medication and Eating as Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms

One of the most common vices for people to turn to is self-medication with substances like drugs and alcohol. These behaviors can cause your life to spiral out of control in no time flat!

What about the tub of ice cream you ate in one sitting? Overeating and not exercising can also be a way people cope with something.

If this sounds like you, consider investing in a digital health coach that ties into your wearable devices. For more information, check it out here.

Projection of Negative Traits and Emotions

When people feel emotions they don’t like, some people tend to project those emotions onto others around them. Not only is this unfair to the people who get projected onto, but it’s not a healthy way to deal with your emotions.

People also project negative traits that they perceive in themselves. A lazy person might call out others for their lazy habits, for instance.

Denial of the Situation

Sometimes, when people get bad news or find themselves in a situation they don’t like, they’ll ignore the problem altogether! It’s almost like selective memory used to protect the person from something unpleasant.

Doing this doesn’t solve the problem at all. Quite the opposite! The problem can get much worse while the person ignores it.

Disassociation From the Situation

Another unhealthy way of coping is disassociation. This is when a person cannot speak about the issue out loud.

By not expressing the problem in words, the person is avoiding the emotions attached to it. Many people turn to therapy to help them work through trauma severe enough that it causes disassociation. Don’t feel ashamed to ask for help with your feelings when you need it!

The Problem Is Not the Problem… It’s How You Cope With It

Sometimes life gets overwhelming and makes you question if you can handle any more. But, it’s important to ask for help when you need it.

Seeking to escape from difficult emotions and coping in an unhealthy way never benefits you in the long run. It only prolongs the healing process!

We hope you enjoyed reading this article and that you learned a few things about common unhealthy coping mechanisms. For more about health, lifestyles, entertainment, and much more, check out the rest of our blog today!

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