Types of Compensation in a Personal Injury Case

Ali Raza
4 Min Read
Types of Compensation in a Personal Injury Case

Picture this; you and your spouse are t-boned at an intersection. Unfortunately, the negligent driver was asleep at the wheel. In addition to constant pain from injury, you can’t imagine ever stepping foot in a car again. 

In this case, you would be wondering what types of compensation are available to you. Hopefully, this nightmare scenario never comes true, but if it does, it’s important to educate yourself on your rights as an accident victim. Continue reading to learn more about damages awarded in a personal injury case.

Types of Compensation for Out-of-Pocket Expenses

These types of personal injury compensation are considered economic damages or special compensatory damages. These are usually simple to figure out since it’s often a straightforward case of reimbursement. The easiest way to understand this is if you have a receipt for it, it can likely be included as economic damages.

In many cases, these include reimbursement for medical costs that resulted from your injury. These can include doctor’s bills, transportation costs, or medical equipment. You can also be reimbursed for those kinds of expenses you may incur in the future.

However, this list is not exhaustive. If you think you might be owed compensation, you should speak to a personal injury attorney.

General Compensation 

These types of compensation deal with losses that can’t be measured in even dollars and cents. You are probably familiar with at least one type of general compensation; pain and suffering. This can be physical or emotional pain, such as PTSD or depression

Other types of this compensation are for how this injury, or the related incident, has impacted your overall life. They are referred to as quality of life or enjoyment losses. For example, if going for long hikes with your spouse was an important part of your life, but you can no longer do it because of your injury, you may receive payment.

These personal injury compensation types are far from straightforward. Additionally, different jurisdictions have different methods for calculating these damages. A personal injury lawyer can inform you of the local (and case) limits of general compensation.

Damages for Wrongful Death

This kind of personal injury compensation is only awarded to survivors. There are parts from both special and general compensation which are only available if a person has lost their life. For example, if your loved one lost their life due to the actions of another person, you may be owed reimbursement for burial costs (special) and loss of companionship (general). 

Some cases can have multiple parties seeking both special and general compensation, including wrongful death. For example, damages in car accidents can be awarded to the survivor for both their own injury and the loss of their partner.

Personal Injury Compensation Is a Step Towards Financial Justice

These types of compensation won’t be able to take back your injury or loss. But, they offer a way for you to earn some financial justice and move on with your life.

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