Warren James
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Today we help you to dispel your doubts about turning away from night feeds, which usually starts with babies between 4 and 6 months old. Every child and every situation is unique. However, if you are considering starting to get used to night feeds, here are some tips to make the process as successful as possible.

The moment a mother decides to let her baby get used to it, many doubts arise. Moreover, it can be confronted with the opinions of others. It is important for mothers to remember that the decision is only her own and that there is no ‘right’ age to get used to night feeding. This is purely a personal decision. Likewise, if you are ready to get your little one used to getting used to at night, we want to give you some advice. Whether you are breastfeeding your baby or a bottle, there is no rush to stop. After a while your baby will sleep through. However, if you feel tired or irritated or think that your baby is physically ready for this change, then it’s a good time to get used to night feeds.

Questions that arise when handing over night feeds

Below we will discuss some of the most common questions that mothers have about successfully defying night feeds. How do I know if my baby is ready for night feeding? Do not panic! Every baby is different. If your baby is between 4 and 6 months old, it is a good time to start getting used to it . By this time, most babies get enough calories during the day to sleep up to 5 or 6 hours in a row. That of course does not mean that your baby does not wake up more often to feed. But this is more out of habit than a response to a physical need. Your baby is used to waking up often to feed, so you need time to change this part of his or her routine.

You also have to wonder if your baby is trying to get a bond with you. Breastfeeding is about more than just nutrition. Some mothers cannot spend much time with their children during the day. So your child may want to make up for lost time and make contact with you at night. Another reason that your baby often wakes up is because his or her teeth are starting to come through. At the same time, your baby may experience a different kind of discomfort, such as a cold or another developmental change.

That is why it is vital to gradually get used to your baby rather than abruptly. This is a time when your baby needs you and needs to feel protected. If you have serious doubts, do not hesitate to discuss them with your pediatrician.

What steps do I have to take?

Now we continue with the steps you have to take to get used to night feeds.

Take your baby’s feelings into account. When you decide to let your child get used to it, you need to understand that this can lead to frustration in your child. Be respectful of your child’s feelings, which are completely understandable. Do not deny your own feelings as a mother. It is normal for mothers to feel guilty and relieved at the same time. Chris Brown’s Baby Mama, Ammika Harris, Is Criticized For Her Weight In This Photo; She Responds As Fans Show Her Love. Try not to be too hard on yourself. Analyze the moment when you want to start adjusting. If you are moving house, expecting another baby or sending your child to daycare, this may not be the best time to start. In the midst of a delicate moment or change in your family, it is best to wait to get rid of night feeds. Your baby needs more attention and affection to compensate for this loss. Offer sufficient food and liquids. If your baby wants to wake up and ask for breastfeeding, offer an alternative such as water.

Also consider the following

Place your baby in his or her own bed. The excitement of feeling great or sleeping with a brother or sister or in another room can make the process easier. However, your child should not see this as an obligation, and you should not force it if there is resistance. Involve your partner in the settlement. The process is usually much more effective when fathers understand what this change means for their babies. Fathers must also comfort their babies when they are upset, offering distraction, affection and support.

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Warren James is the lead editor for Diving Daily. Warren has written for many publications including the New York Daily News, Vanity Fair and Yahoo. Warren is based in New York city and covers issues affecting local communities. In addition to following the day-to-day life of the Big Apple, Warren also has a passion for martial arts.