The 5 healthiest herbs and spices

6 Min Read

Herbs and spices not only give your dishes more flavors, but also have many health benefits.

These are not all scientifically proven, but thousands of years of (mainly) Eastern medicine provide enough evidence of the strengths of organic herbs and spices.

If you use herbs and spices with, for example, a few cloves of garlic, you do not have to resort to unhealthy, high-calorie sauces and a lot of (table) salt.

Herbs grow in countries with a temperate climate and you can often buy them fresh.

Spices grow in countries with a (sub) tropical climate and are usually dried.

Herbs are often a bit milder in taste than spices, which are usually a bit sharper and spicier in taste.

In this article we have listed the 5 healthiest herbs and spices for you.


  1. Turmeric

Turmeric (turmeric, turmeric) is a real panacea.

It purifies your liver and is therefore a detoxer. It also balances your metabolism. Turmeric contains the active ingredient curcumin, which has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Turmeric is an antioxidant and gives the enzymes in your body a boost to do their job, such as fighting (chronic) diseases and slowing down the aging process.

In many cases, turmeric can measure its strength with synthetic anti-inflammatory drugs. It can thus help prevent arthritis, cardiovascular disease and cancer.

Research shows that cancer cells / tumors can be destroyed within 24 hours by administering a dose of turmeric.

In India, where turmeric is a staple of curries (it gives the curry a yellow color), certain cancers are 10 times less common than in the United States. This concerns colon, breast, prostate and lung cancer. In fact, prostate cancer is rare in India.

The spice is also very good for your brain. It could fight Alzheimer’s disease.

  1. Parsley

The healthiest variety of parsley is flat-leaf parsley, also known as flat-leaf parsley.


Parsley contains high amounts of antioxidants and is packed with vitamins (A, C), minerals such as potassium, folic acid and fiber. These fibers lower your cholesterol and prevent constipation.

Parsley is good for your heart and blood vessels. You feel more vital by eating parsley and protect yourself against diseases.

Chewing parsley also gives fresh breath.

  1. Cinnamon

Cinnamon is very good for the intestines. It has an antispasmodic effect.

Cinnamon stimulates fat burning. It stabilizes blood sugar and slows down the breakdown of carbohydrates in the body.

This is particularly beneficial for people with overweight, obesity and diabetes. In patients the blood sugar level can fall by 10-30%.

The spice is also good for your muscles as it aids in the production of proteins. As a result, you have less stiffness in the muscles.

Cinnamon is a powerful antioxidant that can reduce inflammation.

It also fights bacteria that can cause urinary tract infection and bacteria responsible for tooth decay and gum disease.

  1. Ginger

Ginger, like many other herbs and spices from this list, is good for your stomach; your digestion and fat burning are optimized and it has a healing effect in the case of colon cancer.

It is excellent against nausea, for example in case of motion sickness, chemotherapy or pregnancy.

Not only nausea but different types of pain can be treated by ginger due to its anti-inflammatory properties. Think of muscle pain and osteoarthritis.

Ginger also helps fight viruses and fungi.

  1. Thai basil

There are many different types of basil. The most healthy is the ‘holy basil’ or Thai basil, which is used in many dishes in South East Asia.

This is not the same type that you usually find in the supermarket; that’s the sweet basil.


If you want to take advantage of all the health benefits of the above herbs and spices, buy them fresh and organic.

Dried herbs and spices also have an effect, but we recommend that you prefer freshness; the nutrients are the most active and this is also tastier and more fun to work with.

Divide the herbs and spices throughout the day, so not all of them in the evening meal; then your body have time to process them.

Try out the different herbs and spices in various dishes and find your ideal applications. If you don’t like one of them, see if you can cover up the taste with other foods that have a distinctly dominant flavor.

Store the herbs and spices in a cool and dry place in an airtight bag or container.

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