Preparing Your Garden for the Summer Months – What to Do

Alton Clarke
4 Min Read

Summer is so close we can practically feel the sun’s rays on our face – which means its once again time to kick our gardening back up into gear, after nearly two seasons of hibernation. But summer gardening can seem miles away if your private paradise is still looking a little worse for wear after winter.

Preparing your garden for the summer months is easier than it looks, though. To provide some inspiration for the warm months of gardening we have ahead of us, SGS Engineering have drawn up a couple of horticultural headscratchers. A pair of shears is hidden in the first pattern, and a pair of secateurs in the second; can you beat the average time of 51 seconds to spot them both?

  1. Find the shears hidden in the flowers…  


  1. Find the secateurs hidden in the plants…  

Now for some handy and practical tips to help you get on top of your garden before the spring and summer planting windows open proper!

Tidy Up Your Garden

Indulging in a post-winter garden tidy will give you a brilliant foundation on which to build your summer garden plans. Things can get a bit scruffy after a season left alone, with leaves and dead branches muddying up your garden plots, and winter weather making a meal of any lighter fencing.

Raking leaves from your flowerbeds will not only bring them up to code visually, but also reduce the chance of any spring and summer plants getting diseased. Leaves can make for good compost, but only if composted properly first; otherwise, they can harbour dangerous bacteria.

For the slightly more in-depth tidy-up activities, you’ll want a robust set of Milwaukee tools to ensure the best results. Re-situating fenceposts and replacing old fence panels will give your garden a cleaner, tidier border, while pruning and shaping trees can bring them back in line with your personal vision.

Stock Up on Seeds

Next up, you should start thinking about the kind of things you’d like to plant this season. You’ll have rediscovered a lot of prime space in your flowerbeds, for you to re-populate with whatever you’d like. So, get shopping for seeds!

Create a Planting Calendar

With your seeds purchased and safely in your possession, you can now draw up a planting calendar for yourself, so you can plant your seeds at the right time and track their growth properly. Having a physical calendar with your seed projects drawn out will allow you to easier look after your garden.

Create a Composting Area

Earlier, we mentioned raking up leaves and mulch to prevent disease in your flowerbeds. However, this doesn’t necessarily need to go to waste; with the right treatment, it could become safe, nutritious compost. Simply create space in your garden for an out-of-the-way composting area. Use a composting bin to deposit organic waste; orange peel and spent teabags can encourage positive bacterial growth, and create high-quality compost over time.


  1. Find the shears hidden in the flowers…  



  1. Find the secateurs hidden in the plants…  


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Alton Clarke was born and raised in Syracuse. He has written for MSNBC, The Business Insider and Passport Magazine. In regards to academics, Alton earned a degree from St. John’s University. Alton covers entertainment and culture stories here at Diving daily.