Life Planning 101: New Year, New You 2022 Checklist

Ali Raza
4 Min Read
Life Planning 101: New Year, New You 2022 Checklist

Have you ever set yourself a New Year’s resolution and given up a few days later? You’re not alone if you have; around 80% of New Year’s resolutions fail. 

If you’ve decided that 2022 will be your year, it’s time to do some serious life planning. Failing to prepare is a one-way ticket to yet another abandoned plan. 

So, if you want to live your best life and cross some things off your bucket list this year, you’ve come to the right place. We’re here to lay down the brief guide to planning 2022 and being successful. There are a few vital elements of life planning you need to get sorted without delay.

Read on to find out more. 

1. Daily Life 

Your first step in your life plan template is to visualize how you want your day-to-day life to look.

Do you want to be rushed off your feet or have time to spend with your loved ones? Assuming it’s the latter, consider what takes up time in your day that isn’t a priority (hello, Netflix) and eliminate it! 

2. Finances 

Next, it’s time to deal with your finances. Start canceling those direct debits that you’ve been meaning to get rid of for years. Then, spend some time considering estate planning and retirement planning. 

Once you know your finances are sorted (and yes, that means dealing with any debt head-on), you’ll feel far better about your life trajectory. 

3. Connection 

Next, in a busy 21st-century lifestyle, it’s easy to neglect those we love most. Write a list of all the important people in your life and block out a time each day to have a meaningful connection with them. 

This could be in the form of a text, facetime, walk in the park, or drinks in a bar. 

4. Hobbies 

If 2022 is all about living your best life, it’s time to prioritize your hobbies. Unfortunately, many people can’t even identify what their hobbies are! If this is you, think back to what you used to do for fun before you had life responsibilities – this may give you a good idea. 

Make sure to allow at least 1-2 hours per week for relaxing hobby time. 

5. Goals 

Finally, think about your long-term goals for the year. This time next year, what would you like to have achieved? 

Write a list and strategize what steps you need to accomplish to achieve your goal. The more detailed you can be, the better. Try to break your goals into weekly and monthly targets to keep you accountable. 

Making Life Planning Simple

That’s everything you need to consider when planning your goals for 2022. Life planning doesn’t need to be tedious or difficult, simply think about the things that matter to you, and make them a reality. Once you get started, you’ll find there’s nothing stopping you. 

Did you find this article helpful? If so, make sure to check out our other posts for all things lifestyle, health, home, holidays, and more! 

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