Is 24/7 Dental Care a Reality with Teledentistry?

Kat Irving
5 Min Read

Virtual care in dentistry is gaining increasing popularity in the present scenario. You can get in touch with a broad network of dental practitioners and share your concerns. It’s time for you to take a step back from traditional dental care and enter the world of teledentistry. It is a fixed and convenient facility that will offer you professional guidance 24/7. Stay tuned to this article and learn more about it.

What Do You Mean by Teledentistry?

When it comes to teledentistry, you will get the opportunity to receive oral care without visiting a dentist in their chamber. It will enable you to take videos and photos of your dental issues and share them with a professional dentist. You can get access to teledentistry from a remote location, which is the best part.

After evaluating your oral health, the practitioner will prescribe certain medications to help you deal with the ongoing discomfort. Teledentistry can heal you at your convenience.

Teledentistry is Always Available

As mentioned earlier, teledentistry offers its services 24/7/365. Dental issues are unpredictable, and it is not always possible to schedule a physical appointment with your dentist. Under such circumstances, teledentistry can be a real blessing; learn how:

●      Get Access from Remote Location

As a patient, you can often deal with a dental condition that you are not sure about. With the help of an available online dentistry forum, you can share your troubles and seek professional help from experts.

●      Fast relief

If you are currently suffering from an emergency or urgent dental issue, 24/7 teledentistry can be a boon. You can directly communicate with the professionals and receive a prescription for instant relief.  

●      There Is No Border

Even if you are miles away from the dentistry expert, it doesn’t matter anymore. Teledentistry has got your back. You no longer need to avoid or delay your urgent oral care. Teledentistry doesn’t go hand-in-hand with the boundaries. It allows your dentist to diagnose the problem and offer a solution.

●      Continuous Monitoring of Follow-up or Ongoing Treatment

If you require follow-up sessions, it is possible with teledentistry. You no longer need to spend time scheduling appointments since teledentistry comes with easy, convenient and time-saving opportunities.

What Are Some of the Facts of Teledentistry?

Teledentistry refers to high-tech monitoring of patients and virtual consultations, which are comparatively less expensive than conventional ones. Some of the facts of teledentistry are mentioned below:

●      Boosts Your Dental Hygiene

Teledentistry has the potential to connect dental practitioners with their patients through a digital platform. It is an excellent tool that contributes a lot to improving the dental hygiene of individuals.

●      Affordable option

Teledentistry is quite affordable when compared to in-office dentistry. It eliminates your transportation costs and increases efficiency. You need to go through fewer in-person appointments, which will help you take a massive step towards wellness.

●      Suitable Option

Teledentistry can align with the modern requirements of the people’s needs. According to a study, it has been evident that 70% of the patients feel comfortable communicating with their providers via email, text or video rather than scheduling in-person appointments. These patients use their mobile or computers to stay updated regarding their diagnostic information and medical reports.

●      Innovative Solution

If you are already dealing with a painful sore, traveling from your home to the chamber can cause you more pain. On the other hand, if you get immediate access to the required medications from the professions, you will get the scope to heal in your comfort zone. It is an innovative solution that has drawn the attention of too many potential customers.

The Bottom Line

You can book a demo consultation from the best cloud-based dental software and check out the process before investing in it. Teledentistry is a massive transformation in dental care, and it can make your life better and easier.

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Kat Irving is a reporter for Diving Daily. After graduating from NYU with a master degree in history, Kat got an internship at WABC-TV New York and worked on profiling local businesses. Kat was also was a columnist for the NPR. Kat mostly covers business and community events here at Diving Daily