How to Store everything During a Move?

Nicole Ann Pore
5 Min Read

It is not always possible to carry out the move and the move in the stride, which implies to store your furniture and boxes in a secure, accessible and practical place. Several storage solutions are possible, each with specific features, advantages, and shortcomings. The problem of lack of space finds many solutions today, with very useful storage offers, in particular during the moving period: storage, self-storage, stocking or furniture storage. Even if we all know the concept of traditional rental boxes in which your belongings are stored in a sealed wooden box, other storage solutions have emerged in recent years. Thus, the storage market now adapts to all storage needs and all budgets. There may however be some constraints linked to the use of a furniture repository. Opening hours, for example, or those for accessing your boxes are generally restricted. Adding or removing part of your goods is problematic and may prove impossible with the seal affixed to the boxes at the time of their deposit.

The furniture repository is today increasingly offered by companies specializing in storage or warehousing, and no longer only by professional movers like Removals Bristol. These companies can offer attractive alternatives such as self-storage, which is more flexible but offers similar guarantees and insurance. For the depositary, this involves bringing and packaging its goods itself in the containers made available by third-party companies, storage professionals. He must therefore ensure alone the transport, handling and storage part of his business. Again and like a furniture repository, the useful life of a container can vary from a few days to several months. Likewise, the areas of the boxes available, depending on the brand, range between 2 and 100m², billing being done according to the area occupied and prices depending on certain additional options on security and access to the premises.

Focus on other storage alternatives
An alternative to the rental of traditional box tends to develop widely in recent years, that of self-storage centers. It is a solution which offers more freedom to the stockiest, since you have free and permanent access to your business. As soon as you book your box, the center effectively gives you a key or a digital code to go to the opening hours of the center in your box to collect or add new business. This convenience justifies a price slightly higher than that of a storage unit, which does not allow you to access your belongings in good time. In a storage unit, you must pay opening costs when you want to open your box. These two storage solutions are very secure; the majority of centers have a video surveillance and security system.

Box rental between individuals: the most economical solution
On the initiative of the digitalization of a large number of markets and the opening to the world of the collaborative economy, we offer you a very recent storage solution: that of storage between individuals. Indeed like Airing, it is now possible to rent unoccupied space from an individual such as a cellar, a garage, and an attic, a barn to store furniture and boxes during his move.

To simplify the process, specialized online platforms have emerged to list the many ads from individuals spread across the country.

These sites like Unstock offer as many guarantees and security as the traditional storage solutions mentioned above. Insurance is automatically included in the rent to protect the goods stored up to their value, a rental contract is provided to frame the relationship between the 2 parties. The advantages of opting for such a storage solution are obviously the savings you could realize; dedicated platforms advertise rates up to 60% cheaper and some, such as Unstock, are able to offer you preferential rates on professional boxes. Also, box rental makes it possible to store close to home and more to have to go to the outskirts, where the shopping centers are located.

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For Nicole Ann Pore, as cliche as it sounds, there is no place like home. She believes that is not only a responsibility but also a privilege to create and take care of a house where home is built. Nicole writes on topics that reveal the essence of a nice home, as well as home care and improvement tips. She is a daytime writer for Wincrest Bespoke, one of New South Wales’ most experienced home residential builders. | Nicole graduated Cum Laude from De La Salle University Manila, Philippines with a Bachelor’s Degree in Communication Arts.