How to Start a Rap Career in 5 Steps

4 Min Read

You have the flow, you have more than enough attitude, and you know that you have the talent. Rap is your life, and you need to know how to start a rap career.

In a world where dozens of underdogs are making it each day you may wonder what they have that you don’t. A lot of the time the answer won’t be money. Most of the time it comes down to having a plan you can follow.

Are you ready to become a rapper? Make sure you follow these simple steps.

  1. Get Social

If you want to be a rapper in 2020 you don’t need to be told how important social media is for your career. Now that you’re serious about having a career in rapping you need to work on your social presence.

Create a content calendar so you’re constantly keeping your profiles up to date. Make sure that you aren’t just posting on platforms like Instagram or TikTok. Set aside time to update music-heavy sites like SoundCloud and YouTube.

  1. Find Your Tribe 

Rappers love to have their own personal entourage. If you want to become a successful rapper, you’re going to need plenty of connections to other people in the industry.

Immerse yourself in your local music scene and learn about the big players. These people can help you discover the best venues to play and can help you find other people to collaborate with.

  1. Perfect Your Editing 

It would be great if every aspiring rapper could afford to book time in a professional studio and have a talented editing team at their disposal. Unless you’re a millionaire you’re going to have to learn how to edit and record your own tracks.

Rappers are some of the richest people in the world and they can afford to have high tech tools. Luckily, modern tech has made it easier than ever to be your own production team. Check out some popular editing software and tools and see what’s compatible with your computer.

  1. Over Produce Music

Every track you make won’t be a banger. However, that doesn’t mean that what you’ve produced is bad.

It’s important to always create when you’re trying to start a career in rap. Aside from keeping your skills sharp, it can give you a nice backlog to work with. The rhymes you created today may be the hook in your #1 song a year from now!

  1. Find Work

Rapping in your bedroom is going to be very different than rapping in front of a crowd. That’s why we recommend that every aspiring rapper gets used to performing on stage by finding some small gigs to start off with.

Open mike nights are a great way to get used to performing on stage, and a few may even pay you for your time. Scan Craigslist for people interested in rappers for jingles and other commercial work.

How to Start a Rap Career the Right Way

If you want to know how to start a rap career, this post should get you off to a good start. Focusing on making connections, producing good music, and finding work are more than enough to get you to where you need to go.

Do you want to learn more about the music industry? Are you curious about what other entertainers are doing to launch their careers?

Keep reading our posts so you can learn how to navigate the industry like a pro.


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