How to Make Trending Videos on TikTok

Ali Raza
4 Min Read
How to Make Trending Videos on TikTok

Everyone wants to go viral on TikTok. It’s the way to get yourself out there, let your brand be known, and possibly secure some lucrative deals.

Yet, it’s not as easy as it may seem. All of the stars have to align for your video to go viral, with the algorithm picking it up and showing it to as many people as possible, who will then also engage with it.

So, is there a way to create trending videos? What can you do to have a better chance?

Read on to learn more.

Use the Three Second Rule

To create viral videos, you first have to understand how TikTok’s algorithm works. Every video that you put out will be posted on users’ “For You” page, but only for a short period of time.

This is like a test trial to see if your video is relevant and interesting. If viewers watch your video for only a few seconds before scrolling to another, your video will be stamped as irrelevant, and the algorithm will no longer show it to other users.

So, to increase your watch time and completion rate and boost your video to the top, you need to follow the three second rule. Your video should capture viewers within the first three seconds and draw them in to watch the rest of your video.

If you can do this, TikTok will automatically show it to more people, which means getting more views to push you to go viral.

Make Viewers Feel FOMO

Many viral TikTok videos have something in common. They make viewers feel like they’re missing out and encourage them to participate.

You’ve most likely seen various dance trends and challenges on TikTok. This is one of the most popular reasons to make TikTok videos, so if you start one of these trends, you’re sure to get tons of views.

However, it’s not as easy as just thinking of an idea and having other people copy it. Your content must be unique and easy to follow, such as with ASMR TikTok or food TikTok.

Consider what unique skills you have and how you can apply them to creating a TikTok trend. You can also make viral TikTok audio that others will apply to their videos.

Create a Unique Spin on a Trend

Now, if you decide starting a trend isn’t for you, consider putting a unique spin on a trend that is already out there.

People love watching TikTokers do various challenges and dances. But, it can become repetitive and therefore uninteresting.

If you find a trend that fits with your brand, consider doing it with a twist.

For example, a challenge may be to say something particular to your boyfriend to see how they react. Instead, you could say this to your dog or to a stranger to mix up what the result would be.

Your video is more likely to go viral if you take the time to create unique content instead of jumping on board with exactly what everyone else is doing. And, if all else fails, you can always buy likes for TikTok.

Creating trending videos on TikTok requires work, preparation, and creativity. Yet, if you’re willing to roll up your sleeve and do what it takes, you could be going viral in no time.

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