How To Choose the Best Car Safety Seat For Your Baby

Alton Clarke
7 Min Read

There are a lot of items you’ll want to have on hand when you’re expecting a baby, especially if it’s your first. A crib, a baby monitor, and a box (or ten!) of diapers are not just enough.

The most critical piece of equipment, though, is your baby’s first car seat. You’ll need one for the travel home from the hospital, as well as every subsequent ride until your child can safely ride without a seatbelt. That could take up to ten years!

So, with so many alternatives on the market, how do you pick a quality baby car seat from a reputable baby car seat supplier for your child?

When choosing your baby’s first car seat, keep the following points in mind:

1. Consider Your Budget

Obviously, safety is the most important factor, but don’t make the mistake of thinking that the more you pay, the safer the seat will be. Get the facts about all car seats on the market are held to the same safety requirements by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

So while they may look different, they all do a decent job of safeguarding your child. You may be paying more for extras like leather seat padding or an extra cup holder, not necessarily better protection.

For less than $100, you can get a variety of terrific options, including car seats that will endure for six or more years. A word of caution; buying a used car seat to save money is not a good idea. This works similar to buying a used gun safe wholesale to keep your ammunition. You never know what important safety options it lacks as it is not brand new.

Similarly, unless the car seat is brand new, there’s no way of knowing that all of its pieces are intact, that it’s never been in a crash, or that it’s not expired or recalled.

2. Know Your Options

Your child will need a rear-facing car seat until he or she reaches the manufacturer’s maximum height or weight limit, which is normally about 2 years of age or older. In the case of a crash, your child’s head, neck, and spine are best protected by riding in a rear-facing car seat.

There are three different types of rear-facing seats available:

  • Only rear-facing car seats are easily available. While the base stays in the car, the seat can be utilized as a baby carrier or in a stroller. Additional bases can be purchased to fit different cars.
  • A three-in-one car seat is another great option. This can be used as a booster, rear-facing, or forward-facing. It, like the convertible seat, is difficult to transport from vehicle to vehicle.
  • Car seats that convert are also good. These are larger and can be used rear-facing until the infant is ready to face forward. These are not often portable; they are kept in the car and can be used by children weighing 4 to 50 pounds or more. Read the labels carefully!

3. Check The Fit

There is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all car seat. You may require a smaller (or larger) one depending on the size of your vehicle. Look at the back seat of your automobile to see where you should put the car seat. You might want to put your car seat in the middle of the rear seat, but that location may not be wide enough in some vehicles.

To be sure, measure the area where the car seat will be installed and compare the dimensions to the size of the base of the car seat you wish to buy. Only putting it to the test will tell you for sure. Before you buy, ask to try on the display model at the store to make sure it fits. To do so, you may need to leave your driver’s license at customer service. For fast and easy hiring go to capsule hire sunshine coast.

4. Use The Car Seat Correctly

When the baby comes, the last step is to make sure he or she is correctly strapped in the car seat. Adjust the harness so that the straps come from the correct slot and are snug enough that you can’t pinch any extra webbing once buckled.

Many car seats now have a “non-adjust” harness that fits correctly when the harness strap is tightened. Check out the Ultimate Car Seat Guide for additional information.

5. Install The Car Seat Correctly

As a first step toward properly installing the car seat, consult your car’s owner manual and the instructions that came with it. In general, there are two ways to secure your car seat to the vehicle: Use the seat belt or the Latch system if your car has one, and pay particular attention to the details. For rear-facing and forward-facing seats, you use each in a different way.

6. Plenty Of Legroom – Longer Usage

A lack of legroom is one of the most prevalent reasons parents opt to put their children forward-facing too early. A car seat with extra legroom for the youngsters will be utilized for a longer period of time.

When children are tiny, car seats with adjustable legroom save space, but as the child develops, they provide additional legroom.


Remember that the safest car seat is one that is properly placed and utilized. This applies to every time you or anyone else takes your kid for a ride. Whether you are just heading to the nearest store to get some water filters for fish tanks, or taking a long route to enjoy with your family, never forget your baby’s car seat.

Carrying your baby in the lap while sitting in the passenger seat is the worst idea and is against the law.

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Alton Clarke was born and raised in Syracuse. He has written for MSNBC, The Business Insider and Passport Magazine. In regards to academics, Alton earned a degree from St. John’s University. Alton covers entertainment and culture stories here at Diving daily.