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Gynecomastia is a condition in males that causes their breasts to swell and enlarge. Teenage boys and older men usually develop the disease in which their breasts appear abnormally big. The common term used for the condition is ‘Man Boobs’ for uneven or overgrown male breasts. Gynecomastia happens when a preteen or a teenage boy goes through hormonal changes during puberty. However, it can also occur with newborn babies or grown men.

Potential Causes

Gynecomastia is a benign or non-cancerous disease linked to several types of hormonal changes. In many cases, the causes remain largely unknown. Usually, female hormones (estrogen) and male hormone (testosterone) levels contribute to the development. Other underlying contributors to the condition may be the use of an antidepressant, an anabolic steroid, marijuana, heroin, or another drug that develops it. Sometimes, side effects of medicine, chemotherapy, prostate cancer, ulcer, or cardiovascular drugs also bring unusual growth. Some diseases or medical conditions that cause gynecomastia include:

  • Liver and kidney disease
  • Lung or testicular cancer
  • Congenital disorders in newborn babies
  • Tumors in the pituitary or adrenal glands
  • Obesity
  • Trauma
  • Thyroid disorders

The duration of the condition in babies wears off in some time as the mother’s estrogen remains within them.

Signs of Gynecomastia

Signs of gynecomastia vary from developing a small amount of tissue around the nipple area to a prominent breast. The condition may arise in one or both breasts and sometimes cause pain and tenderness in the area. The lump or fatty tissue beneath the nipple area becomes uneven and sore. The symptoms look like any other medical condition and need recommendations from an expert physician.

Treatment Options

If you seem to have developed the condition, a general physician may recommend one of the two options.

  • Medication to adjust hormone imbalance
  • Surgery to remove excess tissue

Treatment procedures like male chest reduction only take place when there is an absolute need. For instance, if you have the condition and every other treatment has failed, reduction therapy is the only option. A healthcare professional will determine the best treatment based on factors like:

  • Age
  • Current and past health conditions
  • Whether there is a sickness
  • The reaction of your body against medicines and treatment procedures
  • The period of the condition
  • Preferences and opinions

Usually, gynecomastia development starts to occur during puberty, which gets better with time without treatment. It may take a minimum of 6 months to a maximum of 2-3 years. If the condition does not get better with medication, then a doctor might recommend surgery. If the state is due to a medicine’s side effect, a person must stop taking medicine immediately. Surgery and hormone therapy are the last efforts for treatment.

How to Determine If I Have Gynecomastia?

Patients may have gynecomastia in both breasts or unilateral. Brand self-examination usually demonstrates a mound of tender, mobile or disk-like tissue. It is not as hard as breast cancer and mostly gets located under the nipple area.

Surgery Procedure

When patients with gynecomastia approach a professional, they complain about excessive fats in their breasts. Their first option is the surgical removal of excess fats through an incision in the marginal area of the nipple. The surgeon must examine the condition first or mistake it for male breast cancer. Many surgeons and physicians perform the procedure under general anesthesia, while some perform it under local anesthesia or oral sedation. Surgeons also drain excessive fluid during and after surgery and use compression vests to reduce pain, swelling, or bruising.

Recovery Phase

To recover, patients with liposuction have to exercise and follow the routine for some time. The duration of recovery for surgical removal counts up to four weeks to six weeks to tolerate routine activities. In many cases, patients usually go back to their routine in 7-10 days and start to cope with surgical complications within a week.

Surgery Complications

In general, most of the patients that undergo gynecomastia surgery recover quickly. The process itself is very safe and bears safe outcomes. However, with safety procedures, various complications also occur on the part of patients or surgeons. Some common complications include excessive bleeding, fluid collection, bruising, skin loss on the nipple, contour irregularity, etc. Surgeons take measures to reduce any complications that might occur during or after the procedure.

Tips to Get the Most Out of the Procedure

  • Know the reason for the visit and your expectation
  • Write down the questions you need answers to and all the queries.
  • Have someone with you to ask questions and remember the answers
  • Write the names of all the medicines and treatment options to discuss
  • Ask for multiple treatment procedures.
  • Understand the recommended procedure and the results it bears
  • Follow the medication and follow-up schedule very seriously.

Final Word

Gynecomastia can occur to anyone and appears with signs of excessive tissue development in one or both breasts. Fortunately, medications and surgeries can help cope with the problem effectively with the best results. Ensure that you contact a professional regarding the issue and take the necessary measures recommended.

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