Golf Etiquette 101: 5 Basic Rules All Golfer’s Should Follow

Ali Raza
4 Min Read

15.7 million people who did not play golf in 2019 said they are interested in playing on a golf course at some point.

Golf for beginners is not just about learning how to find your perfect swing. You need to understand golf etiquette before heading to the course.

Read on to learn about five basic golf etiquette rules all golfers should follow.

1. Showing Up Early to Your Tee time

When it comes to golf etiquette, this one is a given. Showing up late anywhere is considered disrespectful. Generally, you should show up a little early to your tee times, usually around 15 minutes.

Golf for beginners includes many tee times if you want proper practice, so it is important not to make the starter and others in the shop mad. Arriving less than 15 minutes before your tee time worries the employees as it puts the tee sheet in danger of delay.

After playing golf on the same course for a while, you will begin to understand their personal preferences. For instance, some courses want golfers to be on the course 30 minutes early.

2. Consider Cart-Paths

Some courses have paths for golf carts to drive on instead of the open grass. This means you won’t be able to park right next to the hole you are on.

Etiquette when playing golf on a cart-path only includes carrying more than one club to your shot. If you keep having to go back to the cart for a different club, you will end up slowing things down for everyone. Take all the golf equipment you will need for the hole.

3. Don’t Look Too Long for Balls

Golf rules for etiquette always include not slowing the process down. One major way golf beginners slow down the process is by looking for their balls too long.

The rules of golf don’t require you to find your ball if it is lost. The game can still go on.

Although golf balls are expensive, you need to come to terms with the fact that you are going to lose a few. Generally, looking for a ball for longer than three minutes is against the rules of golf etiquette.

4. Don’t Walk Into a Player’s Through-Line

A major golf etiquette rule is to not walk in a player’s through-line. This term refers to the line that extends two or three feet past the hole.

It is important to follow this rule when playing golf because a putt could pass the hole. You don’t want to be in the way of where the ball could potentially end up.

5. Being on the Phone Too Much

Sending a short text between holes is fine, but being attached to your phone while on the course is bad etiquette when playing golf.

Your attention should be on the course and the people you are playing with. Being on your phone too much also slows down the game for everyone else.

Practice Your Golf Etiquette Now

Practicing golf etiquette while on the course is just as important as practicing your swing. It is important to follow these golf rules to maintain good relationships with regular players and course workers. If you want to be a regular on the golf course, you need to have proper etiquette.

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