Don’t Tough It Out: When to See a Pain Specialist

Ali Raza
4 Min Read
Don't Tough It Out When to See a Pain Specialist

Did you know that over 20% of adults have some form of chronic pain? Chronic pain can come from arthritis, joint inflammation, neck problems, an aching back, or an old injury.

Always being in pain impacts your quality of life, preventing you from playing with your kids and doing your housework. And, when you suffer from chronic pain, it is easy to feel trapped in a cycle of pain.

You might be tempted to tough it out. But, seeing a pain specialist can help you return to normal without having to wait for your pain to go away.

In this article, we’ll be discussing pain management specialists. So if you’re wondering when to reach out for help, read on to learn more.

What Does a Pain Specialist Do?

The goal of a pain management specialist is not just to manage the pain, but to find the cause and treat it. They will form a treatment plan that will both fix the problem, and prevent any future problems.

Comprehensive pain specialists will start with some diagnostic testing. They might consult with other specialists too. Then they will formulate a plan for treatment.

Your treatment might include:

  • Physical therapy
  • Medication
  • Diet and exercise changes
  • Stress management
  • Sleep hygiene
  • Injection procedures to block pain
  • Acupuncture
  • Platelet-rich plasma injections

There’s not just one treatment that works for everyone, so your treatment will vary depending on your symptoms. Overall, the goal is to treat the cause of the pain and reduce its intensity without relying on long-term opioid therapy.

When to See a Specialist

If you’re working with a primary care doctor to control your pain, and the pain hasn’t gone away, it’s time to see a specialist. Pain specialists have a deeper knowledge of pain and can manage it with greater efficacy.

Chronic pain can include spine and joint pain, cancer pain, nerve pain, abdominal pain, or pain after injury or surgery. If the pain lasts for longer than three months, it’s chronic and is unlikely to go away on its own. That means it’s time to find some pain and spine specialists.

You should also seek help if you’re taking medication for your pain and it isn’t helping. Over time, your body builds up a tolerance for medication so the pain won’t respond as well to this treatment. A pain specialist can help you get off opioids, and live a life free of medication.

If you’re not already taking medication and want to avoid pills or surgery for severe pain, a specialist will also be able to help you find non-invasive treatment.

Finding a Specialist

If you’re looking for a specialist by simply googling “pain specialist near me,” this might not give you the results you want. You need to check reviews and make sure your specialist is accredited and has good results.

A great example is These Arizona pain specialists have a lot of experience and great reviews. They also offer a wide variety of treatments for every type of pain.

Always make sure your specialist is reputable and experienced, so they make your pain better, not worse.

Reach Out for Help

If you’re suffering from pain that won’t go away, hopefully, you won’t hesitate to get some professional advice. Finding a pain specialist can dramatically improve your quality of life, and help you return to the activities you love.

If you’re looking for more health and lifestyle advice, check out the rest of our blog for more tips!

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