Do I Need a Criminal Defense Attorney to Fight My Case?

Ali Raza
4 Min Read
Do I Need a Criminal Defense Attorney to Fight My Case?

Failure to obtain appropriate legal counsel can be costly if you’ve been charged with a felony crime, especially one punishable by jail or prison time. It is probably why, according to, the number of people who choose to represent themselves in criminal cases is estimated to be less than one percent.  

Hiring a criminal defense attorney can sometimes be the difference between going to jail or getting a significantly reduced sentence. Sometimes it can mean avoiding charges altogether. If you’re facing felony charges, here is how a criminal defense attorney can help you.

Should I Hire a Lawyer?

The question shouldn’t be should you hire a lawyer. A better question is what can happen if you don’t hire a criminal lawyer.

A criminal lawyer can help you avoid jail time. But if you’re found guilty of a felony, even if you don’t receive a jail sentence, you will have a permanent criminal record. A criminal record can prevent you from obtaining employment or a professional license. While hiring a lawyer is no guarantee you won’t end up with a record, it certainly will improve your chances.

Additionally, handling a case on your own can cost you much more in legal fees if you need to bring in a lawyer after you’ve damaged your case. It could be too late for a lawyer to be much help by then.

What a Criminal Defense Lawyer Can Do For You

Perhaps the most critical job of a criminal defense attorney, like those at Prentiss Felony Defense, is to protect your rights during the building of your case by the police and the prosecution. An attorney knows what procedures police and prosecutors must follow.

They also know the law and court procedures. They will make sure all court pleadings and motions are filed as necessary to ensure your entire defense gets heard if you end up in court. You don’t want to lose your case because of a paperwork or procedure error.

A lawyer will know what experts may be needed for your case. They can investigate outside of what police do.

Lastly, a criminal defense attorney can negotiate with prosecutors if it becomes necessary to get you a plea deal and a lesser sentence. This can be especially important in drug possession or DUI cases where alternatives to jail, such as rehab, may be an option. An attorney will also advise you on any plea deals the prosecution offers.

When Should I Hire a Criminal Lawyer?

The best time to obtain a lawyer is the first moment you realize you could be facing felony charges. Ignore advice that a lawyer will make you appear guilty or that it is a waste of money to hire a lawyer before formal charges are brought against you.

In some cases, working with a criminal defense attorney early in the process may help you avoid charges altogether and having a felony conviction on your record.

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