Blood Clot Medication: Going Beyond Warfarin

Ali Raza
4 Min Read
Blood Clot Medication: Going Beyond Warfarin

Around 6,000,000 Americans need to take anticoagulant drugs.

These drugs are essential for ensuring their ongoing health and help reduce the risk of having a stroke or even death. In addition, many take Warfarin which is the best-known anticoagulant on the market.

However, did you know there are new blood thinners now available that may be the better choice for you. Take a look at our short guide and get a better understanding of what blood clot medication is available today.

What Is an Anticoagulant?

They are a specific type of drug that helps reduce blood clots and, in some cases, can eliminate them altogether. People refer to them as blood thinners, although they are not actually thinning your blood in any way.

Blood clots can cause serious blockages in your bloodstream and blood vessels, which can lead to heart attacks or a stroke. They are extremely serious and need to be treated with the right medication.

Anticoagulant Medications

The best known anticoagulant medication is Warfarin (Coumadin). This blood thinner is usually taken once a day and can be taken by both adults and children.

Like many anticoagulant medications, it has some side effects, including bleeding and bruising more easily than normal or more frequent nosebleeds. One downside of taking Warfarin is that you will need a blood test every month to ensure its efficacy.

However, there are many different anticoagulants on the market that people do not always consider. So let’s’s take a look at some of the other options.

Rivaroxaban (Xarelto)

This is another blood thinner that will help prevent the build-up of blood clots in those people at risk. It will reduce your risk of stroke, heart attack, deep vein thrombosis, and pulmonary embolism.

Rivaroxaban, also known by its brand name Xarelto, is usually taken twice a day or as prescribed by your doctor. One of the benefits is that you will not need as many drug tests as you do with Warfarin.

As with all blood thinners, it comes with a potential side effect of an increased risk of bleeding and bruising. However, you do not need to monitor how much Vitamin K you consume as closely as you do with Warfarin.

If you are looking for a great price on Xarelto, then you should check out for the best deals.

Dabigatran (Pradaxa)

Another new blood thinner on the market is Pradaxa or Dagigatran, as it is called medically. Like its counterparts, this drug will also reduce your clot risk and lower your chances of heart attacks and stroke.

It can also cause excessive bleeding, but much like Xarelto, it doesn’t require close monitoring or regular blood tests when taking it. It is often prescribed after surgery for a period of time to help reduce clots that may have formed during or after the operation.

It can cause a higher chance of bleeding and bruising in the body, and an upset stomach can sometimes be a common side effect of taking this drug.

Choose The Best Blood Clot Medication For You

More options are available these days than just Warfarin as new blood clot medication comes onto the market. Speak with your medical practitioner about which prescription would be best for you.

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