
Big, Beautiful Women Have To Change Their Attitude Towards Dating. Here’s Why?

Plus size women often feel they have a hard time finding a partner. Whilst your skinny, “attractive” friends get all the attention from guys, you stand to one side feeling like a spare part.

Yet with the right attitude, big, beautiful women can find love just as easily as anyone else. Some men recognise the beauty of dating plus-sized girls.

The first thing you have to do is break down the walls of traditional thinking that have been mindlessly constructed in society. Just because attractive women appear on the covers of glossy magazines, it does not mean that you have to be stunning to be valued.

Even good-looking girls feel inferior when comparing themselves against these air-brushed images. Moreover, how many times have you met an attractive girl that has no personality or turns out to be a bitch.

Yep, every guy has as well.

People offer more value in a relationship than how they look. This is rule number one: you are worthy and deserving of love and respect.

Body Versus Brains

BBW’s typically suffer a certain type of humiliation on the dating front. Men often ignore your personality and judge you on your body shape. This is a weakness in men because of the “cover girl” image they have been programmed with.

Yet not all men are looking for girls with a perfect bikini body. Some men are genuinely interested in people because they enjoy spending time in your company. Find a man that is interested in your brain.

Another trauma plus-sized woman can face when they are in a relationship is that your fella never takes you out on a date in public. All your dates are spent at home watching films and ordering a takeaway.

The reason for this is because he is embarrassed his mates will see him with a plus-size girl and humiliate him. This is how childish men are. Again, it comes down to social programming.

Stephanie Yeboah, the poster girl for plus-size women, says she avoids situations like this by openly declaring she’s a big girl from the outset. Her dating profile reads: “Fatter IRL.”

You Are Deserving of Love

The biggest problem plus-girls face when dating is themselves. Society has programmed you to believe you are not deserving of love and will never find a partner. It’s total BS. That idea is your perception, it is not the truth.

If you constantly consider yourself as undesirable, you will be undesirable. Even if a man finds you attractive, he will not like your attitude if you are not confident about who you are as a person.

When you allow yourself to get caught up in a cycle of self-deprivation because your body is not the “social norm”, you will never feel attractive and thus not come over as someone that is fun and loveable.

Some men prefer the idea of dating big, beautiful women. These men look for girls with an authentic personality and a big heart rather than shallow attractive girls that try to look desirable the way beauty magazines advise. Niche dating sites are proof of this.

So if you are unlucky in love, the chances are it’s because you are not approaching dating with the right attitude. When you change the way you think about yourself, you change the way you feel about yourself and you change the way you behave around men.

So go be yourself; confident, fun, loving and sexy.




