Benefits of Salmon Oil for Cats

7 Min Read

Our furry, feline friends are complicated, but they are essential to our own well-being and happiness. They are fully-fledged members of our family, although they are independent and sometimes indifferent to the point of insolence.

It is not a well-known fact that cats can develop illnesses such as diabetes, urinary tract infections, irritable bowel disorder (IBD) and several types of cancer. Felines may feel the discomfort of inflamed joints, suffer from stress and anxiety, or experience epilepsy and seizures. It is the duty of cat parents to ensure pets are kept healthy, happy and hearty.

What can be done to achieve this? Veterinary experts concur that preventative nutrition is the way to go. According to guidelines published by The Cat Care Centre of Baton Rouge, the emphasis of a preventative care regime is to ensure that your cat receives everything he needs to live a balanced, healthy life. This includes suitable nutrition, good hygiene, and ample mental and physical entertainment. Furthermore, early detection of developing illness or disease, is vital.


Cats are obligate carnivores. This simply means that, in their natural environment, they are meat eaters, and their bodies are adapted to process animal-based proteins. Additionally, the competent little hunters ingest their daily requirement of water from their prey and seldom need to drink additional water to function.

Cat lovers and experts alike, are in heated debate about the nutritional competency of kibble (dry food), versus canned cat food. Dry food is believed to have a very low water content (due to the intense methods of preparation), a high carbohydrate content, and insufficient inclusion of protein of a superior biological, (animal-based) value. Kibbles may hide bacterial contaminants or fungal mycotoxins present in the grain fillers used to produce the product. Other impurities, such as insects and their fecal waste, could lead to allergic reactions and other more serious conditions in cats. To read more about feline nutrition, visit

Feeding kitties kibbles, is said to introduce substances cats are not genetically designed to consume, to the gastrointestinal system. This can lead to a myriad of health complications and unhappy, ill fur-babies.


Salmon oil for cats, cater to their daily dietary needs without adding unnecessary, foreign ingredients to their bowls. The seemingly magic components: Omega-3, Omega-6, Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), are proven to contain health-boosting properties – to the benefit of your moggy’s health.

These fatty acids, found in wild Alaskan salmon, as well as in home-grown specimens from fish farms, reinforce healthy cell membranes, fight inflammation and provide feline bodies with energy and zest. CBD (cannabinoids) are sometimes added in order to enhance the benefits of salmon oil supplements.


There are countless benefits for your cat when you introduce a source of salmon oil into their diet. Here is a list of our favorite benefits:

Reduces Inflammation

A common complaint in cats, is stiffness or a limited range of movement in joints.

Adding a drop or two of salmon oil to daily feeds, reduces inflammation in scratchy joints and normalizes the cat’s innate movement and sprightliness.

Lowers Cholesterol

In addition to joint complaints, cats are prone to kidney disease and abdominal conditions. The addition of salmon oil lowers cholesterol by reducing the production of inflammatory metabolites (substances made or used when the body digests food, medication, chemicals, or its own tissue). In short: salmon oil cleans up all those ugly deposits that narrow arteries, cause blood clots, and elevate blood pressure. This may initiate or aggravate heart-related conditions.

Promotes cognitive function

As felines age, they may experience mental decline and a problem with spatial memory. This means that they may often get lost, struggle to find their food, or become disoriented in their natural environment. Salmon oil promotes cognitive function, allowing for rejuvenated senses, improved thought processes and a resumption of natural instinct – restoring dignity and comfort to senior cats, while supporting the immune system and maintaining a strong, healthy body.

Obesity and diabetes

As with humans, cats may suffer from conditions related to obesity. A lack of exercise, and a diet lacking in the correct nutrients, may lead to inflammation in joints, irregular glucose levels and eventually diabetes. Omega-3 in particular, (as found in salmon oil), minimizes destructive metabolites and inhibits the production of excessive insulin. This helps to slim down and to maintain joint mobility.


One of the less attractive attributes of feline pets, is the ability to cough up hairballs. Fatty acids in salmon oil reduces hair loss and helps to maintain a sleek, well-groomed cat. It also improves any visible dryness, flakiness and rashes caused by food allergies – leaving cats to comfortably digest hair that end up in the gastrointestinal tract.

Spoil your feline with scrumptious, nutritious home-made titbits of a wide variety of tastes and flavors and include salmon oil generously. Read this article to learn more about different cat treat flavors to spoil your tabby.

Remember that it is very important not to give your cat human supplements. In addition, human foods such as onions, garlic, raw eggs, raw meat, chocolate, caffeinated drinks, and certain dairy products, may well be extremely poisonous to cats. Refrain from giving your mouser alcohol, raw dough, raisins, or grapes. He will thank you later if inclined to do so.

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