

Cannabis or Marijuana! Historical Picture

In China, we have known about the euphoric and therapeutic properties of marijuana for 3000 years, and even for 6000 years, according to some sources. These uses are found later in India, the Middle East, Africa, Mexico and South America. In the 12th century, a British physician published in prestigious journals a series of articles…

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Sunshine Ligustrum

Sunshine Ligustrum Losing Leaves

If you are wondering why your Sunshine Ligustrum is losing its leaves you have come to the right place. Any plant can lose its leaves for a myriad of reasons…and it probably isn’t dying! But leaf loss can be a warning sign that your plant isn’t happy.  Reasons Why a Sunshine Ligustrum is Losing Leaves…

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side to side

Best side to side refrigerator

Some of the best feelings are when you come back home after a hot day, and you open the fridge to a bottle of cold juice or some delicious ice cream. A particularly hectic day can be fixed with cold coffee too. It is days these like you feel that the refrigerator is your best…

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Advantages of Signing Up with Facebook

Do you take pleasure in watching videos on Facebook? Even if you have never ever gone to Facebook prior, you are advised to do so, as you will likely discover it fun, interesting, and entertaining. Facebook is also a video sharing site which permits web users, similar to you, to submit and share videos that…

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Bond Arms BARW 45/410 Rowdy Review

The BARW Rowdy is one of the newest small derringer firearms from Bond Arms. You will find this pistol at gun shops across the country. It is billed as the smallest, most powerful pistol you can carry, and I totally agree. Bond Arms has a few super small weapons in its collection, and this is one of…

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