Facebook Ads: A Deeper Look

Facebook Ads: A Deeper Look

If you are a Facebook user, you are definitely familiar with their ads. And like most users, you probably do not overthink about them. Many business owners are sceptical, doubting if Facebook ads really work. They are missing out!
What started out as a superficial online novelty in 2003 has grown into arguably the most influential social platform in the world, with its 2.2 billion active users and billions of dollars in advertising revenues. If you’re still on the fence about Facebook ads, here are some more facts: 66% of its many users log on to find out more about new products and services, and those who like or follow a business page are 79% more likely to purchase than those who do not. It is something that ad agencies like DimNiko are aware of and wish to leverage for the business owners.
How Facebook Ads Work
While Facebook ads are easy to use, using them properly is another matter entirely. Some businesses underestimate the complexity of the platform and end up spending much, getting minimal results. Facebook ads are, in fact, among the most intricate marketing platforms available.
Facebook ads can be a promotion of your business page, the contents of your page, the activity of users on your page, or your website. The ads target users based on their location, demographic, and other relevant information in their profile. After creating the ad, you make a bid for each click or thousand impressions that the ad will get. Once the budget is set, users are able to see the ads at Facebook’s news feed and, if using a desktop, at the right column.
How to Make Facebook Ads That Convert
There are some practices in making Facebook ads that can drive traffic to your website, increase product awareness, and make a conversion.
Create ads that are aligned with your business goals
The advertising platform of Facebook allows you to create ads based on 12 different objectives, each of which is derived from three of the strategies in a marketing funnel: awareness, consideration, and sales. Knowing your priority from the start and aligning your ads to it gives you the best chance of getting the most return in your investment.
Keep monitoring
Facebook ads are very fluid. It has a low minimum budget, and its social contents have a very short half-life, ideal for aggressive testing. As such, it is not a “Set it and Forget it” ad campaign. It is important to monitor the response to your ads immediately once you post them. This enables you to make the necessary changes, such as increasing the budget, editing copies, or stopping an ad altogether promptly.
All of these may sound like a lot of work, but many ad agencies like DimNiko can help you get this done right.
Low-friction conversions
Many Facebook users are non-committal, sometimes clicking an ad inadvertently or on a whim. Asking them outright to make a purchase can drive them away. Instead, you can encourage a smaller commitment such as signing up for your website, filling out a lead form, or giving an email address, which you can later use to upsell.
Bringing in the Pros
Every marketing dollar counts, especially for small businesses. If you are looking to get more traction through online marketing, you are getting one realistic shot at it. Make the most out of this chance by hiring an experienced and proven ad agency.



