7 Ways To Improve Your Home Security

Nicole Ann Pore
6 Min Read


  1. Install An Alarm System

Installing an alarm system in your home will provide you with an additional layer of security. Another benefit is that the enhanced security can significantly reduce your insurance premium. Search surplus database for alarm systems. However, if you are going to go the expense of installing a home security system, then it will only be effective if you activate it.

Not activating the alarm system can result in your insurance being invalidated. If you are struggling to remember to turn it on when you leave the home or go to bed at night, set a reminder on your phone or put a sticky note on the front door or mirror.

  1. Upgrade Your Locks

Sliding security doors are the first layer of protection against intruders but are only as good as the locks keeping them secure. Upgrading your locks will make it more difficult for burglars to gain entry to your home plus you may get a discount on your insurance premium for upgrading to certain approved locks. Use Padlocks to improve your home security this is a best solution for you.

It is recommended to contact your insurance provider to find out which locks are approved. These locks should be professionally installed by a master locksmith. They will ensure that the locks do are approved by your insurance carrier and that they are installed according to the carrier’s requirements. Visit howtobecomealocksmith.org for more information.

  1. Secure Your Windows

It is highly recommended to place locking mechanisms on all your windows and ensure that they are locked whenever you leave your home or go to bed at night. Windows are the primary means that burglars and intruders use to gain access to your home. You should have these locks installed and maintained by an expert locksmith.

They will ensure that the locks they use are approved by your insurance provider and that they are correctly installed. Check the locks regularly to ensure that they are not rusted and in good working condition. Once again, providing proof to your insurance company that your windows are locked and secure can decrease your premium.

  1. Lock Up Valuables

Out of sight is out of mind so it is highly recommended to lock away your jewelry, gadgets and other items of value so as not to attract the attention of opportunistic thieves. Investing in a safe is the best way to keep these valuables hidden, safe and secure. However, it is important to have the safe installed by a MLA-approved locksmith in a location that is known only to yourself and other trusted individuals. Keep the key, combination or electronic pin code/password secret, safe and secure. Also, if you are looking for the best home security equipment contact Runners UK now.

It is also recommended to keep your car keys hidden from sight when you are at home. Never leave them hanging on a hook or lying on a table near a door or window. This will give potential thieves the opportunity to go “letterbox fishing”, nab your keys and then steal your car.

  1. Keep House And Other Keys In A Safe Place

Never, ever leave a spare key under your doormat, pot plant or other decorative garden item. These are common hiding places and burglars are quite aware of this. Don’t leave your keys in the lock or anywhere near the door. Burglars can use techniques such as “fishing” for your keys through the letterbox in the door using a stick with a magnet attached to it. Once they have your keys, they have access to your home, car and even your office.

Be aware that some insurers will not pay a claim for a burglary where there was no forced entry – so keep your keys safe and hidden from crafty criminals.

  1. Smart Lights

Burglars prefer to operate under the cover of darkness to avoid being seen. Good lighting in and around your property is critical to improving your home security. Motion detection lights that turn on when they sense movement are a great way to deter burglars and to alert you and your neighbors of the potential presence of a burglar. Low-energy automated lighting that turns on and off at intervals is a good deterrent to make it look like you are home when you are away.

  1. Don’t Advertise That You Aren’t Home

Burglars prefer to invade your home and steal your belongings in privacy – preferably when you are away from home for an extended period of time. Burglars will often watch your home for weeks at a time to look for signs that you have gone away for a vacation, weekend getaway or just the night. Cancel newspaper and milk deliveries so that they don’t pile up making it obvious that you aren’t home.

Ask a neighbor or friend to check up and make sure that all windows and doors are secure and collect post before it can accumulate. Avoid posting about your holiday publicly on social media as this is a good way to let the whole world know that your home is empty.

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For Nicole Ann Pore, as cliche as it sounds, there is no place like home. She believes that is not only a responsibility but also a privilege to create and take care of a house where home is built. Nicole writes on topics that reveal the essence of a nice home, as well as home care and improvement tips. She is a daytime writer for Wincrest Bespoke, one of New South Wales’ most experienced home residential builders. | Nicole graduated Cum Laude from De La Salle University Manila, Philippines with a Bachelor’s Degree in Communication Arts.