7 Benefits of Public Transportation (And How to Use It Safely)

15 Min Read

The wheels on the bus go round and round — even with COVID-19 changing everything.

In the pre-COVID timeline, Americans took 9.9 billion rides on public transport a year. The coronavirus has changed a lot of things for a lot of people, but switching to public transport is still something that can make a positive change to your life.

Here are seven benefits of public transportation that still hold true in this pandemic universe—and a few tips on how to stay safe while using it.

  1. Improve Your Health

Health is at the forefront of every mind at the moment, but the truth is, it always should’ve been. With obesity epidemics already in full swing around the world, now is the time for us to take back control of our health.

Public transport provides one way of doing that. For most forms of public transport, you’ll need to walk to and from a stop—which means you’re slotting extra exercise into your day.

COVID-19 most strongly affecting those with pre-existing health conditions is a great reminder that being out of shape is a

  1. Reduce Your Footprint

The world’s other problems haven’t gone away just because COVID dominates the headlines. More than ever before, we each need to be aware of our ecological impact, including our carbon footprint.

Taking public transport means one less car on the road and, as more people do it, a large reduction in a city’s overall carbon footprint. It may seem like a drop in the bucket, but change has to start somewhere. Your decision might be enough to convince a few friends or colleagues to do the same, after all.

  1. Fight Pollution

Which would you prefer on the way to work: a lungful of car fumes or fresh air?

With urban living now a daily reality for many people, air quality suffers. One of the biggest contributors to air pollution in urban spaces are cars, thanks to their sheer popularity.

Although car emissions are lower than ever, their popularity limits how “clean” driving can be. Busier roads also mean more traffic, and traffic jams have an increased effect on pollution levels compared to cars in motion.

Taking public transport is a vote for clean air—and with it, a clearer conscience.

  1. Save Money

Most of us are feeling the financial crunch that COVID landed us in. Making small savings can be a great way to get back on your feet.

By taking public transport, you can save on all the costs that come with running a car, from fuel, tax, and insurance to repairs and parking. Many public transport services offer discounted rates for frequent travelers, which is perfect for a regular commute to work.

  1. Invest Your Time

One of public transport’s biggest benefits is also pretty subtle. It’s about the way you spend your time.

On public transport, you can kick back and let the driver do the work. With the luxury of your own chauffeur, you’re free to do whatever you like—read a book, watch videos, listen to podcasts, and so on. You could even get a headstart on work, meaning you can go home earlier or deal with less stress throughout the day.

This also means you have the chance to wind down before you’re home, saving you time that you might have spent unwinding before you can bring yourself to do anything productive. In the right circumstances, taking public transport can be oddly Zen.

  1. Dial Back Stress

Driving a car can be stressful, and traffic is one of the biggest stressors many of us will face in our workday. And that’s before the day has even begun. Sitting in traffic boils the blood like nothing else, so many drivers start the day already near to blowing a gasket.

Public transport is an excellent way to dodge all that stress. Taking the train or the city bus can help you skip the traffic, and your walk to and from your stop can help you shed stress instead of building it thanks to the therapeutic effects of exercise.

And if your choice of transport gets stuck in traffic, so what? That’s just more time to invest on whatever you choose to do with the journey. You’ll get there when you get there.

  1. Stay Safe

There are, of course, more risks than COVID out there—and automotive accidents are one of the most common daily dangers we face.

By comparison, public transport is very safe. Even when accidents happen involving public transport, passengers often escape with only minor injuries.

This is a particular advantage if you otherwise have to travel on dangerous roads often. That can compound the stress we outlined above and put you at even greater risks.

COVID Safety on Public Transport

Companies are using sanitized transportation to keep their customers safe during the pandemic, but there are some simple things you can do to keep you safer on public transport.

Wear a Mask

Wearing a mask drastically cuts transmission rates when you’re in close contact with other people—which makes it essential for public transport.

Carry Hand Sanitizer

There’s no escaping that public transport can be a little gross. There are just too many stranger’s hands touching every available surface to say otherwise. Carrying a personal supply of hand sanitizer means you can always be sure your hands are clean even if you have to touch the occasional door or rail.

Maintain Social Distancing

Many public transport services have social distancing rules in place, but they can be hard to enforce. The most practical way to ensure social distancing happens is for every individual to play their part.

Use Contactless Payment

Where available, you should also consider using contactless payment options, like pre-paid cards, contactless bank cards, or mobile wallets available via cell phone apps.

The Many Benefits of Public Transportation

As you can tell, there are many benefits of public transportation, even in times like these. Following our simple tips, you can take advantage of these benefits without risking your safety.

Looking for more transport news? Make sure to check back often.

The wheels on the bus go round and round — even with COVID-19 changing everything.

In the pre-COVID timeline, Americans took 9.9 billion rides on public transport a year. The coronavirus has changed a lot of things for a lot of people, but switching to public transport is still something that can make a positive change to your life.

Here are seven benefits of public transportation that still hold true in this pandemic universe—and a few tips on how to stay safe while using it.

1. Improve Your Health

Health is at the forefront of every mind at the moment, but the truth is, it always should’ve been. With obesity epidemics already in full swing around the world, now is the time for us to take back control of our health.

Public transport provides one way of doing that. For most forms of public transport, you’ll need to walk to and from a stop—which means you’re slotting extra exercise into your day.

COVID-19 most strongly affecting those with pre-existing health conditions is a great reminder that being out of shape is a

2. Reduce Your Footprint

The world’s other problems haven’t gone away just because COVID dominates the headlines. More than ever before, we each need to be aware of our ecological impact, including our carbon footprint.

Taking public transport means one less car on the road and, as more people do it, a large reduction in a city’s overall carbon footprint. It may seem like a drop in the bucket, but change has to start somewhere. Your decision might be enough to convince a few friends or colleagues to do the same, after all.

3. Fight Pollution

Which would you prefer on the way to work: a lungful of car fumes or fresh air?

With urban living now a daily reality for many people, air quality suffers. One of the biggest contributors to air pollution in urban spaces are cars, thanks to their sheer popularity.

Although car emissions are lower than ever, their popularity limits how “clean” driving can be. Busier roads also mean more traffic, and traffic jams have an increased effect on pollution levels compared to cars in motion.

Taking public transport is a vote for clean air—and with it, a clearer conscience.

4. Save Money

Most of us are feeling the financial crunch that COVID landed us in. Making small savings can be a great way to get back on your feet.

By taking public transport, you can save on all the costs that come with running a car, from fuel, tax, and insurance to repairs and parking. Many public transport services offer discounted rates for frequent travelers, which is perfect for a regular commute to work.

5. Invest Your Time

One of public transport’s biggest benefits is also pretty subtle. It’s about the way you spend your time.

On public transport, you can kick back and let the driver do the work. With the luxury of your own chauffeur, you’re free to do whatever you like—read a book, watch videos, listen to podcasts, and so on. You could even get a headstart on work, meaning you can go home earlier or deal with less stress throughout the day.

This also means you have the chance to wind down before you’re home, saving you time that you might have spent unwinding before you can bring yourself to do anything productive. In the right circumstances, taking public transport can be oddly Zen.

6. Dial Back Stress

Driving a car can be stressful, and traffic is one of the biggest stressors many of us will face in our workday. And that’s before the day has even begun. Sitting in traffic boils the blood like nothing else, so many drivers start the day already near to blowing a gasket.

Public transport is an excellent way to dodge all that stress. Taking the train or the city bus can help you skip the traffic, and your walk to and from your stop can help you shed stress instead of building it thanks to the therapeutic effects of exercise.

And if your choice of transport gets stuck in traffic, so what? That’s just more time to invest on whatever you choose to do with the journey. You’ll get there when you get there.

7. Stay Safe

There are, of course, more risks than COVID out there—and automotive accidents are one of the most common daily dangers we face.

By comparison, public transport is very safe. Even when accidents happen involving public transport, passengers often escape with only minor injuries.

This is a particular advantage if you otherwise have to travel on dangerous roads often. That can compound the stress we outlined above and put you at even greater risks.

COVID Safety on Public Transport

Companies are using sanitized transportation to keep their customers safe during the pandemic, but there are some simple things you can do to keep you safer on public transport.

Wear a Mask

Wearing a mask drastically cuts transmission rates when you’re in close contact with other people—which makes it essential for public transport.

Carry Hand Sanitizer

There’s no escaping that public transport can be a little gross. There are just too many stranger’s hands touching every available surface to say otherwise. Carrying a personal supply of hand sanitizer means you can always be sure your hands are clean even if you have to touch the occasional door or rail.

Maintain Social Distancing

Many public transport services have social distancing rules in place, but they can be hard to enforce. The most practical way to ensure social distancing happens is for every individual to play their part.

Use Contactless Payment

Where available, you should also consider using contactless payment options, like pre-paid cards, contactless bank cards, or mobile wallets available via cell phone apps.

The Many Benefits of Public Transportation

As you can tell, there are many benefits of public transportation, even in times like these. Following our simple tips, you can take advantage of these benefits without risking your safety.

Looking for more transport news? Make sure to check back often.

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