6 Tips on Choosing a Motivational Speaker for Your Event

Ali Raza
4 Min Read
6 Tips on Choosing a Motivational Speaker for Your Event

You can hear the soft snores and see the lights of numerous cellphones across the room. 

At this exact moment, you regret not hiring a better motivational speaker for your event. All you wanted was for your guests to be entertained and inspired. Now, they’re scrolling through social media. 

Avoid these awkward moments by learning how to select high-quality speakers for events. If you aren’t sure how to do that, we’re here to help. 

Below is a guide of 6 tips for choosing a motivational speaker. Get ready to be inspired!

1. Know Your Audience

When looking at options for motivational speakers, it’s best to know your audience. Know who you’re catering to. 

Are you hoping to attract experienced industry workers that are at least 50 years old? Or are you filling your seats with young adults who are new to the working world?

Knowing the age, main interests, and background of the majority of your guests will help you better choose a speaker that fits the mold.

2. Define Your Event’s Purpose

On top of knowing your audience, define the purpose of your event. 

When planning your event, sit with your event management team to create a mission statement and a few key values. Then, find a motivational speaker who touches upon these values. 

For example, if you’re wanting to foster stronger leadership and collaboration, find a leadership motivational speaker.

3. Check Out the Speaker’s Social Media

Thanks to social media, we’re able to get sneak peeks into everyone’s lives. Many prominent motivational speakers have curated social media profiles that provide a look into the values they uphold. 

Narrow down your list of possible speakers to 3-5 favorites. Once you’ve narrowed down the list, check out their social media pages to better gauge their onstage personality and presence. 

4. Look for Testimonials

Reading online reviews and looking for testimonials is important when selecting a speaker. 

It’s not enough for a speaker to slap a few company logos on their site. They need direct responses from past companies and events they’ve worked with!

Many sites, including mollieplotkingroup.com, include testimonials for the speakers to make your search easy.

5. Set Expectations

As you search and hire speakers for events, communicate your expectations. Avoid hiring any speakers who are unwilling to meet your guidelines. 

Expectations to highlight include:

  • Dates of event
  • Hours needed
  • Pay for speaking
  • Framework for preferred subject/topic

6. Watch Past Examples

Most experienced motivational speakers have past examples ready to show when needed! Many events are recorded for broadcasting or record-keeping.

Ask speakers to share links or files of past examples, including full-length lectures. These examples will provide a more in-depth look than the short clips on social media. 

An Event to Remember: Choosing a Motivational Speaker

There’s plenty to do when putting on an event. You must worry about creating a guest list, reserving a venue, and choosing a motivational speaker. Luckily for you, there are tips for selecting a speaker in the above guide. 

We know selecting a speaker for your event is a lot of pressure, but you got this in the bag! Just make sure to define your budget, know your audience, and establish your expectations. 

For more helpful guides, check out the rest of our site. We have guides on everything from health to technology. 

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