5 Important Self-Defense Tips for Women

Ali Raza
4 Min Read
5 Important Self-Defense Tips for Women

An estimated 1.9 million women are physically assaulted every year in the United States. With the number being so uncomfortably high, it’s more important than ever for women to learn how to defend themselves.

Sometimes, however, that’s easier said than done — you may have no idea of where to start!

Read these self-defense tips for women to get an idea of how to keep yourself safe.

1. Trust Your Instincts

One of the most important pieces of self-defense advice is often overlooked and it’s to trust your instincts.

Often women are scared of seeming impolite or overreacting but the truth is, it’s much better to come across as impolite than to be put in a dangerous situation. If something doesn’t feel right, it’s fine to excuse yourself and leave. 

2. Stay Aware

Staying aware of your surroundings is key in all self-defense tactics. 

If you’re walking alone, make sure you aren’t constantly buried in your phone. Take the time to look up and acknowledge your surroundings, ensuring you’re still safe.

If you like to listen to music while walking, take out one earphone to make sure you can hear what’s going on around you too. 

3. Use Shock to Your Advantage

One of the best self-defense tools isn’t anything physical but is the element of surprise.

If you’re ever in a position where someone is attacking you then make a lot of noise right away to startle them. This will give you an advantage in giving you an opening to run away or execute a move that will put you back on top. 

4. Learn Physical Moves

If you can, take some self-defense or martial arts classes to learn some physical moves and incorporate them into your self-defense strategy.

There are many different classes that work for different people. Even if you don’t feel like you’re physically strong or this is appropriate for you, you can definitely find something that works — and those moves may save your life. 

5. Carry a Weapon

You should always make sure whatever you choose is legal and you know how to use it, but carrying a weapon can be a real lifesaver.

It doesn’t have to be anything that can inflict permanent damage. Pepper spray, for example, is a great choice because it’s affordable, easy to use, and can work against a variety of different attacks — even if they’re much bigger and stronger than you.

Click here to find out how to choose the right pepper spray.

Use These Self-Defense Tips for Women

Knowing these self-defense tips for women could come in very handy. Hopefully, you’ll never have to put any of them into practice, but there are some bad people out there, and having them in the back of your head could save your life one day.

Trust your instincts, stay aware, and make sure you know how to protect yourself.

For more life advice and other tips, check out the rest of our site.

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