5 Important Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Criminal Defense Lawyer

Ali Raza
4 Min Read
5 Important Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Criminal Defense Lawyer

You’ve been charged with a criminal offense. To say that you’re a little stressed out massively understates how you are feeling. 

You need a criminal defense lawyer – and you need one fast. But with something like 1.3 million lawyers in the U.S., how are you going to choose sex crime lawyers?

You’ve seen plenty of ads for criminal defense lawyers. But you don’t want to just pick up the phone and call the first number you find. So how do you cut through the clutter and find the best one for your situation?

Take a deep breath, step back and do a thorough search for the best criminal defense lawyer for your situation. Read on to learn the top five questions to ask before you make a decision that could affect the rest of your life. 

1. Do They Have Relevant Experience?

There are plenty of criminal defense lawyers out there but you need one who has specific experience with your type of case.

Billy Jensen has observed that modern case law has become so complex that the best criminal defense lawyers specialize in particular offenses. You don’t want a DUI specialist when you’re charged with a white-collar crime.

You’ll want to ask them about their experience and track record with cases similar to yours during your initial consultation. If their answers are general or vague, keep searching.

2. Are They Local?

You may think, ‘I want a criminal defense lawyer near me.’ What you need is a lawyer with experience in the court where your case is pending, no matter where it is.

Procedures vary from courthouse to courthouse, and the DA in one county may not accept plea bargains but the DA in another will. Local knowledge – and relationships – help. Does this attorney know the local judges, the lawyers in the DA’s office, the police?

Go local and put that experience and knowledge to use.

3. Do They Have Good Referrals and Reviews?

Just because a lawyer may advertise doesn’t mean they are right for you. Ask friends and acquaintances for recommendations.

Put together a list and then do some homework. Google them and see what comes up relevant to cases they’ve taken on. 

Last and not least, check with the local bar association to see if there have been any complaints against them.

4. What’s Your Feeling About Them?

After you’ve had your initial consultation, how do you feel about them? Your lawyer needs to be someone you can trust and be open with. Friendly and nice aren’t enough.

The best lawyer/client relationships are like partnerships. You don’t want to be just another case number.

5. Can You Afford Them?

You want the best lawyer you can afford, but be realistic. The most expensive lawyers are not always the best. You need great representation at a reasonable price within your budget.

Are they straightforward about fees and costs? Will they accept credit card payments? if yes, that gives you a lot more budget flexibility.

Finding a Criminal Defense Lawyer

The takeaway? The best criminal defense lawyer for you has relevant experience, a solid reputation, and practices locally. You’re comfortable with them personally and they won’t break the bank.

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