5 Benefits of Choosing Cremation Over Burial

Ali Raza
4 Min Read
5 Benefits of Choosing Cremation Over Burial

About 150,000 people die every day across the world. You hear stories of people dying every day, but nothing hits you as hard as the death of a loved one.

It can be hard to make decisions during the funeral arrangements. Every stage of the preparations reminds you of them and what they would have wanted.

It’s advisable to leave the main planning to a professional funeral home. However, there are personal decisions that they can’t make on behalf of the family.

The decision on whether to hire cremation services or burial can be daunting. Most family members choose to respect the final wishes of the deceased.

This article will highlight why it’s better to choose cremation over burial for the funeral service.

1. Cremation Services Are Cheaper

It can be hard dealing with the death of a loved one, especially a financial pillar of the family. The deceased might have left a huge hospital bill or debt to settle in some cases.

Therefore, it’s wise to have a cost-friendly funeral service for future planning. Opting for cremation services will save you the cost of a casket, a gravesite, and so many other fees.

2. More Therapeutic

Choosing between cremation vs burial is a sensitive topic because you attach so much significance to the body. Burning their body can feel like you are causing them more pain.

However, cremation helps the mourners to accept the passing of their loved ones from the physical realm. Spreading ashes in their favorite spots can be a significant step towards letting go.

3. Environmental Benefits

If the deceased loved the environment, then cremation can be one way to honor them in death. Before you look for the best cremation services near me, it’s wise to talk to the rest of the family.

The chemicals used in preserving the body are dangerous to the environment. The chemical is a potent pollutant that has long-term effects on plants.

Further, cremation demands less or no land to preserve the ashes. Some people opt for cremation because it will take up less land.

4. Cremation Services Are Flexible

Choosing between cremation vs burial is quite sensitive to family members. The best thing about cremation is that you can choose to do it before or after the memorial service.

Some family members would need a moment to mourn the deceased before they can be okay with burning the body.

Besides, with cremation, you can decide to scatter the ashes or keep them in an urn for preservation by family members.

5. Portability of the Remains

After cremation, most families opt to preserve the ashes in an urn. The best thing is that you can
move anywhere with the urn.

In case of relocation, you won’t feel guilty about leaving a loved one behind. When in mourning, some members may want to take the urn everywhere with them to feel the presence of the deceased.

Benefits of Choosing Cremation Over Burial

Mourning the loss of someone you love isn’t an easy process. However, the best you can do is give the deceased a proper send-off.

Honoring their final wishes or their personality during the process is crucial. Look for the “best cremation services near me” to honor the deceased one last time.

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