4 Major Signs You Need to Hire a Divorce Lawyer

Ali Raza
4 Min Read
4 Major Signs You Need to Hire a Divorce Lawyer

Did you know that the United States saw approximately 2,015,603 divorces in 2019?

The end of a marriage is a complicated and often difficult time. Although some couples can divorce peacefully without the assistance of a lawyer, the majority cannot.

If you’re contemplating divorce, it’s worth taking stock of your situation and keeping an eye out for the most common signs you could need an attorney. That’s where our rundown comes into play.

Read on to learn about the 4 major signs you need to hire a divorce lawyer.

1. Your Partner Filed For Divorce

If your partner has filed for divorce or hired an attorney, you should find a divorce lawyer immediately. That way, you’ll have somebody to protect your interests no matter what happens down the line.

Hiring a divorce lawyer is the first step to reaching an amicable agreement with your spouse. If your case does end up in court, a lawyer will ensure your divorce case is fair and straightforward.

Divorce is a tough time for everyone concerned. Having a legal professional on board will make the process easier to understand and deal with.

2. You Have Children

You should hire a lawyer for your divorce case if you have children. Custody battles are one of the most contentious issues for divorcing couples.

You want what’s best for your children—That’s why you need a divorce lawyer to express your sentiments calmly and rationally. If you are concerned about your partner getting custody, a lawyer can gather evidence against them.

Divorce lawyers are experts in the legalities surrounding child custody. They will help you understand the law and your rights as a parent.

3. Infidelity

If you know or suspect that your spouse has been unfaithful, a divorce is often the best solution. A divorce lawyer is essential when going through a divorce where infidelity is an issue.

Following infidelity, there will usually be strong emotions at work. Feelings of anger and betrayal mean things can quickly become heated. This is not productive to the divorce process.

The best divorce lawyer will be able to put some distance between you and your spouse, making things a little less volatile. By dealing with the situation rationally, things will be resolved much faster.

4. Domestic Violence

If you or your children have suffered domestic violence, divorce is often your only option. Nobody should have to live with an abusive partner.

You cannot negotiate with an abuser. You need to find a divorce lawyer with experience in domestic violence divorces. They will fight for what’s best for you and your family.

This family law attorney can handle any type of divorce case. Why not reach out today?

Knowing When to Hire a Divorce Lawyer

So, those are the top 4 signs you need to hire a divorce lawyer.

Whether your case ends up in court or not, consulting with a legal professional early in the process puts you in the best possible position as you work out the terms of your divorce.

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